Use them as a way to teach you how to pray for your boyfriend. First, I ask that he be secure in his faith, without any doubt of Your goodness or Your salvation. Amen. We love each other unconditionally and this only ever happens in my house, which I live in with my parents and I have seen things I cant explain. Amen. I have said a prayer for you my darling. I cry for those of us left behind, for the lonely ones with hollows in our hearts. Salat is the obligatory Muslim prayers, performed five times each day by Muslims. 2. O Allah, You are our Companion on the road and the One in Whose care we leave our family. I know we are meant to be together and we all are sinners, I know this isnt him. I pray that Allah keeps us together till the end of time. God bless all of you who are having difficulties. Fill him with a passion to do well and have an amazing career. I pray that God will hear and answer in his perfect time. Give him the desires of his heart as he delights in You. 1. Amen. Now the girl is back an hes left home again. Amen. Again read Durood-E-Ibhrahimi 3 times. As he grows in intimacy with You, and as he walks in the Spirit, may his joy be complete. O Lord, I pray that he never takes anything or anyone for granted and help him learn new ways of doing things, and new ways of looking at routine life so he wont get bored of doing the same tasks every day. His constant companion on whom he can depend. You are our refuge and shield. P salm 29:11. Give him the energy and motivation he needs when he gets up in the morning and may it continue throughout the day. Muslims pray Jumu'ah to show their love and obedience to Allah (God) as well as seeking his pleasure. Hanan started attending a Halaqa, Imran just returned from a Muslim youth camp, Bilal aced the last algebra test. Amen. These are all great topics to request from God when praying for your husband. Amen. My king, you are blessed.". The third prayer is a very short prayer which you might like to write down and . My good wishes are always with you. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. Please lord help me. I would love to hear from you and how you are praying for your boyfriend. Lord fill him up with Your presence and let him know that You are always there with him. Cover him in prayer by praying that God would give him wisdom. Allow love to reign in our home, compassion and patience. Gracious Lord, please help my boyfriend to find the best ways leading to prosperity and success in his life. Amen". Dear Lord, thank You for providing my boyfriend with his daily needs. May he be a man who notices when someone needs assistance and is quick to offer his help. Prayer to Abandon Anger Abba Father, I pray that my boyfriend would not react with a hot temper when things arent going his way or when people say something rude. Prayer to Enjoy Life Lord God, Creator of heaven and earth, I pray that my boyfriend will learn to really enjoy life. Remember that He planned every step of your life before you were born. Your word tells us that we must get rid of emotions like anger and rage, because this does not produce the righteousness that You desire. I am also going through a difficult time with my boyfriend. Dear Allah, I know You love me the most and I feel loved in Your mighty presence. Amen. Last night he grabbed me by the wrists and pinned me to my bed, and said he had to fight it and he couldnt get himself to stop. I am going through the same thing with my fiancee. May he love others as You love us and consider others as more important than himself. To rinse the nose. Short Answer: The best remedy for a Muslim man or woman who loves someone, is for the two to get married to each other. My boyfriend who recently. Love never fails. My Father who is heaven, thank you so much for giving me such a wonderful boyfriend. There is nothing wrong with a girl's parents . I ask that you would bless his parents and siblings. Pray for my boyfriend, we are having a baby together and want father god to show me who is this guy because I am having bad dreams I dont know only God who knows this man in and outside his heart. Like today, I prayed Dhuhr, but after I finished, I realized I had been impure and had to . Your boyfriend dreams want to be a successful entrepreneur one day. For him his mind an soul is lost. For instance, you can try silent prayers, contemplative prayers, or even journaling your prayers. May he see the spiritual realities that so many people are blind to. Gracious Allah, please help my boyfriend to find the best ways leading to prosperity and success in his life. Twelve-year-old Kaisan demonstrates his prayer positions and describes how praying gives him a feeling of connection to Allah, and to all the other Muslims around the world. Let the work of his hands be successful and fruitful. Oh, Allah! Have mercy on him. Mark 11:24 ESV. I pray he wont be intimidated by people who are smarter or more highly educated than he is. Prayer for Peace God of glory, I offer up this prayer for my boyfriend. Amen. Amen. Holy Lord, bless my boyfriend with patience when he faces difficulties and empower him to succeed in achieving his goals. Prayer for Godly Love Father, I pray that my relationship with my boyfriend is built on love and not lust. I want you to change him for his kids himself an me. In the name of Jesus, amen! Prayer for Perseverance God of hope, I ask that my boyfriend be a man of perseverance. Instead of engaging in angry exchanges, remind him that a gentle answer turns away wrath. I pray that Allahs infinite mercies light the way for you to achieve all that you desire, In sha Allah. Help him to find a job that would glorify You and develop his gifts. Amen! Happy birthday! But you have overcome all of them. My children call him daddy . If your boyfriend is unsure what to do in his life. Amen. Your email address will not be published. Secondly: If the garment becomes impure and he does not have any other garment in which to pray, one of the three following scenarios must apply: . Required fields are marked *. Allah's love is far more than love of some person and this dua for love can help you in winning Allah's attention, heart and love. May jesus calm us down and give us what we deserve. Dear soul mate, as you turn another year older, I wish for peace and contentment to be with you through this new phase of living. Prayer Point Knowing what God has called you to is important. This aims to make both of you closer to God because only God can turn all of the people's hearts. You motivated me to learn about Islam and I am proud to be a Muslim. Help him to be pleasant and kind to people who may take a long time to do something. He is faithful to. "Thank you, God. Bless him with financial wealth as he applies wisdom in his investments, and use him to be a blessing to Your church and to those in need. I pray that he surrenders his worries and doubts unto You so that his heart can be filled with your love and reassurance. May you receive the grace to sleep like a baby. Almighty Allah, I pray that Your blessing will never depart from my boyfriend and that You will bless him with success and financial abundance all through his life as I read prayers for my boyfriends success. And that its just me who is overthinking. Empower him to live his life as You intended and to fulfill his destiny. Fill him with godly grit in continuing in his studies and training even though it is exhausting and hard. May he have a breakthrough in the area of finances, relationships, health, and any other areas that need Your power. Prayer for Emotional Stability Living God, I ask that You grant emotional stability to my boyfriend. These healing prayer messages will comfort your friend as they battle an illness. Prayer for Patience God of peace, I pray that You would infuse my boyfriend with the spiritual fruit of patience. Even when faced with great temptation, may he turn away from lying, cheating, or stealing. I ask that you give me the right words to speak with wisdom and let love come forth. Lead him to the right people who will encourage him in various areas of his life so he always has someone to turn to if needed! For Hard Times For Financial Prosperity For Physical Health For Emotional Health For Protection For a Marriage For Babies and Pregnancy For Family For Spiritual Warfare For Spiritual Health For a Death For the Workplace For Bedtime, Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, Here a Little There a Little Meaning and Meditation, 1 Timothy 4:3 Meaning of They Forbid People to Marry, 50 Biblically Accurate Facts About Angels in the Bible, 50 Most Profitable Youth Group Fundraising Ideas for Your Church, 250 Ice Breaker Questions for Teen Youth Groups, 25 Important Examples of Pride in the Bible, Why Jesus Wept and 11 Lessons from His Tears, 25 Different Ways to Worship God and Praise the Lord. This post may contain affiliate links. Father, I just want to lift my boyfriend up to You for healing. Prayer to Be Forgiving Immortal God, I pray that my boyfriend wont be a person that is always holding grudges against others. Lord please help me.. my boyfriend is giving up on me. Now, these are all different types of prayers; some ask God to bless your boyfriend while others focus on meeting specific needs he might have. Enable all of us who are related to him in some way or the other to treat him with respect and honesty. God gave me chances and warnings to confess but i took it for granted and got caught up. Please dont let him give up on us I love him so much. I hope my wishes reach you and they bring a big smile to your face making you feel how much I love you and how lucky I am to have you as my boyfriend. I thank Allah for blessing me with such a loving and caring person like you in my life. Once he finds a job help him to work hard at the job you bless him with. Dear Allah, I know You love me the most and I feel loved in Your mighty presence. Give him the courage to persevere and stand for what is right. I wish you a pleasant surprise, an abundance of love and success on your birthday! Give him the desire for You. Father God, I pray to you to ask you to bless my boyfriend. May he enjoy prosperous health. Thank you for boyfriend, Lord. That's the promise of the Lord concerning you. Lord Im asking that u open his eyes to see an realize what hes going to loose if he dont straighten up his act. May your birthday be blessed with health and happiness! My boyfriend, I wish you a blessed birthday. Bless my boyfriend with more knowledge, humility, grace, dignity and patience. Lord, please guide my boyfriend with Your wisdom and love. Hope you have a great day and year ahead. Firstly: The majority of Maaliki and Shaafa'i fuqaha', and some Hanbalis, are of the view that it is permissible to say du'aa' in prayer asking for various worldly needs, which the worshipper wants to ask for and that he needs, such as if he prays to get married or for provision or success and so on. A Prayer For Boyfriend. Lord, please help my boyfriend get a job, and also keep him from being in debt. May he consider others wants and needs. Whoever lives in love, lives in You and You in them. I just want to wish you a happy birthday. The enemy is attacking our union from every angle. May he walk in godliness and purity, so his prayers are effective. Prayer for Prosperity God, our Way-maker, pour out the blessing of prosperity on my boyfriend. Prayer for job promotion and salary increase, Prayer for my husband to be a good father, Prayer for boyfriend going through hard times. Isaiah 53:5. Prayer For My Relationship With My Boyfriend. God please hear my prayer. I won't pretend that I feel your situation right now better than you, but I am here, so count on my presence. May Allah bless you with all he has promised you because He loves you so much. When he is at work or in ministry and needs to make decisions, empower him to listen carefully to all the options. I am really thankful to Allah for making me blessed enough to be your wife. On your birthday, I pray to the Almighty to grant you a long life, good health and prosperity. Protect him from any kind of accident or from anyone that would try to harm him. Whatever the case use this information while praying for your boyfriend. He cheated on me in April of this year with an 18 yr old an she gave him an std he sent her home. Prayer Point God longs to guide us throughout the day and how wonderful would it be for your boyfriend to feel the Lords hand guiding him.There is surely a future hope for you,and your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 23:18. I pray that others will love to be around him because of his warmth and compassion. Prayer is the pillar of the religion. That nothing that would come against his mind, body, and spirit. Amen. May his joyful spirit infect others with the happiness that can be found only in You. I ask that he be secure in his job, without fear of being laid off. Help him understand the material and be able to apply it to real-life situations. Success is your portion in this exam in Jesus' name. Lord Jesus Christ, I lift up my boyfriends family to you. May he persevere in other spiritual disciplines, such as meditating on Your word, fasting, and being faithful in the church. Dear friend, may Allah bless you with happiness and peace. If you would like to grow more in your prayer life I would really encourage you to check out my Prayer and Intercession page. Pray that these relationships would be healthy, blessed, and fruitful. (a prayer for his safety & strength) Lord, As he awakes, draw him close to you. If you love someone and want to get him, he loved you very much for your love match your the parents can use to celebrate the Islamic . Surely, unto our Lord we are returning. "I pray that our relationship will grow stronger every day. We can conquer all with your grace and guidance. Help me to gain de love he has for me because U are the all loving father. Lord God I know nothing is impossible to you, help me Lord.. please help me. 23 Prayers for a Friend Best Friends Prayer. Prayer for Integrity God of Truth, please help my boyfriend develop into a man of integrity and honesty. Lets dive into those boyfriend prayers! I ask Allah to bless your life with more happiness, love and everything you need. My darling, we have been through ups and downs in our relationship. Then recite Surah Alam Nashrah 7 times. You want to connect your heart with the Lords, not just recite someone elses written prayers. Make these prayers personal to your boyfriend. Guard him against harmful environmental toxins. I wish a very happy birthday! Your charming smile makes me go crazy and brightens up my world. I love what Teresa of Avila says about prayer, Prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God. and that is what my first tip is. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading. I pray that you will give me the strength to end my relationship with my boyfriend. Prayer for Safety O Mighty God, I pray for my boyfriends safety. I ask that you would open this door wide for him and that he would know this is Your will for his life. Teach him to live in the moment, trusting You, and not constantly worrying about the future. Amen. God ordered Muslims to pray at five set times of day: Salat al-fajr: dawn . May the Holy Spirit both enlighten them and straighten their paths and experience the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ. Don't go there; they will not benefit from your criticism (or feigned approval) of other religions. Together forever . Ok, now that we are equipped with those tips. Well, I commend you for seeking out ways you can! Guide him in setting priorities for the most important tasks that need to be done. Help him expand his mind through thinking up solutions to common problems, getting into discussions about current issues, and exploring new knowledge in different areas. Ramadan Rules Eating and Drinking. Bless him with joy and peace that comes from Your throne. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen. Oh, Allah! 4. Let us stir up within one another the will to work effectively and purposefully for Your kingdom. Help him be confident in the abilities You have given him. Prayer for Warmth and Friendliness Lord of encouragement, I pray that my boyfriend would project warmth and friendliness as he interacts with others. Help him avoid negativity and ingratitude, and press forward toward peacefulness. Prayer Point Is your boyfriend facing obstacles or feels like hes stuck in life? If you want to have a healthy and strong relationship with your girlfriend/boyfriend, there are some Reciting a short prayer for your boyfriend is the key to having a fulfilling relationship. Many clergies think the reason that prayers can bring success and prosperity is that they connect Gods power to us. Follow the prayers you think you need more. Prayer to Be Secure Lord, my High Tower, I intercede for my boyfriend. Often they don't express their challenges and pain, but you must know when they . heavenly father,i commit my boyfriend in your hands.every spirit of anger i cast it out in jesus name.we have gone through alot.heavenly father i commit our relationship into your hands in jesus name.father let your spirit guide every of our steps.let no weapon fashioned against us prosper.father lord whatever you join let no man put asunder in jesus name i cover our relationship with the blood of jesus in jesus our relationship your way and our generation amen, Dear lord I come to you today because my boyfriend and I just found out some bad news. "My love, as you go on with your daily work, I pray for God's protection in your life.". Amen. Its like its someone else and not him, eyes are the window to the soul and I dont recognise this person. When hes playing sports or working on things around the house, protect him from harm. When you pray, take the list above and pray through it. And make me the one who is always in his good books. Amen. May your victory silence every of your enemies. Prayer to Be a Prayer Warrior Lord of hosts, may my boyfriend be a prayer warrior, going to battle against the spiritual forces of evil. Guide him as he is in this job-seeking process. In this article, we will dig into some powerful prayers for your boyfriend. I pray that it will forever be kept in love. Good morning my Love, waking you up from bed is a pleasure for me this morning. Help us to never forget how much we mean to each other, even when things are tough.". Jesus, I thank You again. Your job isn't to debunk Islam but to give a clear witness to the truth of the Gospel. May others enjoy working with him because he is never lazy and has a happy spirit about him. So, Nevidya has offered many prayers that help you have a fulfilling relationship with your boyfriend. Merciful Lord, I recite prayers for my boyfriends success and ask You to bless my caring boyfriend with Your faith so he can trust Your will and save him from unexpected financial issues as I read a prayer for my boyfriend to have money always and forever. May he listen well and respond appropriately. I pray that he relies on and knows the love that You have for him. Help him have victory in the areas he has prayed for and give him the strength to press in and continue. Help him pay attention when others are talking and use body language like smiling or nodding to show his care for them. O Lord, I . So he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. Hope your day is filled with smiles and laughter. Epheisans 4:2-3. Assist him in keeping a positive outlook on life and trusting in You as his divine Physician. You are the most resilient person in the world and I feel blessed to call you mine. Please help him pay his bills I ask You to help me . However, you should understand Ramadan rule water if you are not fasting. Thank you for blessing our relationship. and he does . Ay stress in the journey shall be converted into into Nurullahi for you. Give him a good sense of direction in making decisions or solving problems that come up. I pray that You keep him completely humble, gentle, and patient. I love you. Remind him to eat a healthy diet, to get plenty of exercise, and to not let himself get too stressed from the challenges of life. We offer our thanks and gratitude for this food, and for those who prepared it. May Allah add lots of happiness in your life, Happy Birthday to you. Prayer is a powerful spiritual act that where we partner with God and let Him move in our lives. Lord, give me the words to say and let Your Holy Spirit guide each move I make. Give him the power to stand strong in difficult situations. Eating and drinking are never allowed while you are fasting. Fill him with Your Holy Spirit. Dear Lord, bless my boyfriend with incredible amounts of endurance and perseverance during hard times so he wont lose hope of Your guidance. Amen. Remind him of the prayer times. May he also find good resources to help him learn about how to become a person who guides and influences others. Pray for him to find direction and purpose. I pray you would open doors for him that no man can shut and that you would show him the way. Help me to not take him for granted or ever forget how much he means to me! Prayer Point Finances can cause a lot of stress in your boyfriends life. May the love of our hearts for one another grow ever deeper with each passing day. Continually speak to his heart. Amen. 5. This of course, applies to women as well. 2. Thank you for creating such a kind and loving man. Regardless of what type of prayer you are looking for, I hope these are helpful. Happy birthday. My dearest, kindest boyfriend, I love you so much. May your life become sweeter than honeyed nectar; your heart filled with love; the purest love in the entire universe. Empower him to give a gentle answer to people who are angry. Ask Him to show you what to pray for your boyfriend. Amen. Amen. Establish his plans as he commits his way to You. Give us both patience and understanding as we go through life together. Ive been with him 2 1/2 years. Prayer for Leadership Eternal King of heavens armies, I pray that you will grow excellent leadership skills within my boyfriend. I pray that he will always be truthful, straightforward, trustworthy, and sincere. Happy birthday! On this day, please accept my heartfelt wishes for a very happy birthday! Psalm 91:3-7. Happy birthday, dear husband. May he persevere in his goals and be rewarded for his work. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (227) and Muslim (291). Amen. May Allah bless you with every opportunity to excel in your career and provide you with all the support that is needed. He has been one of the greatest blessings in my life and I am so happy to know him. May the Lord give to you, the key of success in this exam. Prayer to Walk in the Spirit Sovereign Lord, I pray that my boyfriend will consistently walk in the Spirit, so he can effectively be used of You. His will shall be. 15 Super Comfortable Walking Shoes for Women. Prayer for Knowledge and Insight Father in heaven, bless my boyfriend with the knowledge and insight he needs to be successful in life. I love him lord and there is a reason why you put him in my life and I hope you keep him in your thoughts. In the end, Pray to Almighty to reunite you with your ex-lover. May he encourage others with his words and actions. Amen. On your birthday, I want to tell you that I love you endlessly. This entry was posted in Wazifa, wazifa for good life partner, wazifa for impossible to possible and tagged dua to make parents agree for love marriage, dua to make parents agree for marriage, dua to make someone better, dua to make someone obedient, dua to make someone obey you, dua while making wudu, durood shareef ka wazifa nikah ke liye, durood shareef wazifa for marriage, durood sharif . One in Whose care we leave our family think the reason that prayers can bring success and prosperity is they! Glorify you and develop his gifts help you have for him that no man shut... To bless my boyfriend prayer which you might like to write down and give us both patience and as..., cheating, or even journaling your prayers recite someone elses written prayers God when praying your... Muslims to pray for your boyfriend is built on love and everything you need that Allah keeps us together the. 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