Our society places too much emphasis on our appearances, forcing many to undergo drastic changes to become beautiful. Many people begin to develop issues concerning their body and image. Satisfactory Essays. Then we have those girls growing up with low self-esteem. These are also the pictures that are being shown to teenagers at a time of their lives that they are particularly susceptible to peer pressure and looking good(Tabitha Farrar). According to NEDIC (National Eating Disorder Information center) a 2002 survey stated that 1.5 percent of Canadian women aged 15 to 24 years has had an eating disorder. This gives you a chance to address your audience's possible objections and make your argument stronger. But not everyone is born with that idealistic figure, so society sees plastic surgery as a way to reach the ideal. Men would have to have dinner on the table before their wife. The hijacking of beauty standards is corporate means to an end. Hands up, how many of you are currently completely satisfied with your body and looks. This toll becomes evident from statistics such as, 7 in 10 girls believe that they are not good enough or dont measure up. T he death penalty should be outlawed. A . As for the supplement that give the skin to become more fair usually are famous among malay girls this is becoz they usually have medium skin tone. Address counterarguments. 40-70% of girls that are in grade school either want to lose weight because of magazine pictures or think that the perfect body is depicted by magazines. In other words, the sociological imagination helps people link their own individual biographies to the broader forces of social life: "Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both" (Mills 1959). During my late high school days and even into early college days, going on diets was the newest trend and even television shows were participating in them. But we can terminate this expectation, so that no woman would ever have to second guess her body. The social sites that we be on will leads to massive amount of depression , anxiety , poor, The song, Scars to Your Beautiful written by Alessia Caracciolo, speaks to the very challenge every young girl experiences by wanting to be seen as beautiful. , We are constantly being shown what to do and what not to do by these people that, to us, are held above our heads as we idolize their very existence. Society is taking eating disorders and teenage plastic surgery as more common each year. Have you ever looked at an image on Social Media, seen a movie, commercial, or show and looked at yourself and felt ashamed or unsatisfied. She looks into the mirror, comparing her body to the . Persuasive Speech Body Image and the Media .ppt 1. Even though the body of a model is very rare and uncommon,girls are expected to look like they do. But then, every single woman they see on TV, in movies, in magazines, any woman considered hot and beautiful doesnt look like them anymore, which brings on deadly disorders like anorexia and bulumia that wreck the lives of young girls. Also, eating disorders are beginning to start at an alarming young age. How often do we get to see models who are not thin and slender? Discuss how beauty can improve self-esteem and having the feeling that you are beautiful can promote healthy development. The lack of connection between the real and ideal perception of their own body and firm willingness to modify their own body and shape so as to standardize them to social concept of thinness (Dixit 1), being focused on unrealistic expectations can cause women to lose themselves and change their attitude on how they view their body, and not for the better. By itsrainingcats GOLD, East Hampton, Connecticut. Self-esteem plays a big part of body image. While there are many possible causes and triggers for these disorders, the medias influence on body image cannot be overlooked. 1832 Words | 8 Pages. According to the article Why Do We Idolize Celebrities? Be proud of yourself. There are many people around the world trying to live up to the beauty standards that society has placed on them. So when people look and see that they dont look like theyre favorite super-model it can put a downer on their self-confidence. Reason 3 ( Provide one reason as to why listeners should act or think the way your thesis suggests.) Step 1 - Identify the type of persuasive speech (factual, value, or policy) that will help accomplish the goal of the presentation. 377 . The latest gossip was about which diet people were on and who was going home on, The Biggest Loser. Studies have suggested that eating disorders among adolescent girls have increased over the past fifty years. Just as we learn to develop a poor body image of ourselves, we can instead learn to cultivate a healthy love of our bodies. What is sociological imagination? This article includes 100 amazing persuasive speech topics with short description of each of them. Every day we see stick thin . The media has a strong effect on people, especially young girls. This is the first step towards self-love. By allowing a wider variety of figures into this industry it will allow women around the world to feel comfortable in their own skin. These standards for beauty create what our society believes makes a woman desirable, attractive, perfect, and overall beautiful. Women in todays society are displayed negatively which influences women to do harmful things to themselves. Mass media is very influential, and young people are very impressionable. Cooking should be taught in schools. Girls should be able to be themselves without any backlash from peers or anyone. Homeschooling is better than traditional schooling. Body image is something that is a constant struggle for many. These are called Logos ( Logic), Ethos ( Ethics), and Pathos ( Emotion). A persuasive speech seeks to Establish a fact o E.g., Coffee drinkers have (do not have) a higher risk of heart . Theses beauty standards are advertised in various ways and these beauty standards that are set are unrealistic. As guest editor of Star Telegram newspaper, I did what was asked of me and reviewed the article written by Susan Bordo Never Just Pictures. This paper posits that the has been a correlation between mass media' establishment of standards of beauty and body image and unhealthy effects on young women, such as eating disorders, loss of self-esteem, and sexual objectification. The Role in the Media in Body Image Concerns Among Women by Shelly Grabe, Janet Shibley Hyde, and L. Monique Ward was published in 2008 explains how the increase of thin-ideal body has greatly affected women's view on their body. Open Document. Some women will begin to think that they are ugly, unacceptable, substandard, the list goes on. They begin to question whether or not it's okay for their thighs to not touch or if eating that chocolate cupcake was the right move. Celebrities and their lifestyles is one of the main reasons why society emphasises on physical appearance and perfection. The media brainwashes us into believing that we need to meet their standards in order to achieve ultimate beauty and should we stray from the path they pave, we will not be considered beautiful. They advertise products that can help a person achieve what they call perfection. They slap photos all over the place, on billboards, magazines, and ads, showing us what a real person looks like. We want to be them (Why Do We). You do not feel the need to change any part of yourself as you believe you are perfect as you are. Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. The popular girl who is captain of the cheer squad could also be the girl kneeling over the toilet gagging up the food she eats. A persuasive speech is meant to educate, inform, incite, and motivate an audience to/into doing a thing or taking on a particular task or activity. There are many people around the world trying to live up to the beauty standards that society has placed on them. In todays society the perfect female proportions are nearly impossible for one to healthily obtain, but this does not stop women of all ages to going through impossible measures in order to be one step closer to what they consider perfection. For many girls all ages, shapes, sizes, around the world, eating disorders are becoming more prevalent for weight, Teens today are always surrounded by advertisements of images of thinness. As defined by Merriam-Webster, the definition of Photoshop is as follows: to alter (a digital image) with Photoshop software or other image-editing software especially in a way that distorts reality (as for deliberately deceptive purposes). We respect your privacy and guarantee unfailing data confidentiality. There are many beauty standards but weight and body size is slowly becoming the main focus. 409 . . Why are beauty salons filled with people who pay large sums of money to beautify themselves? Now I ask what is the standard? People should stay married for life. Well, yes, models are a major factor in the body image persona, but its not just models. Adolescent girls are targeted by culture, pressured by their peers surrounding them, and taunted by their own self-consciousness, often leading up to acquiring an eating disorder. You do not feel the need to change any part of yourself as you believe you are perfect as you are. Plastic Surgery Solutions: 1. Piggy and fatty if they're overweight. Some women will begin to think that they are ugly, unacceptable, substandard, the list goes on. Every day, there are girls who look in the mirror and all they see is fat and ugly. Body shaming themselves and others becomes normal. In the United States alone, 40-60% of girls in elementary and middle school are worried about gaining too much weight and not being accepted by anyone ("Prevalence vs. Funding" 1). When thirteen-year-old Alyssa looks into the mirror, she runs through a list of everything she hates about her body, "I wish my stomach was flatter, my chest was bigger, my thighs were skinnier, my arms were more toned, and my waist was smaller.". Rather than waiting for your audience to think up objections to the points you make, do it yourself. There has been an increasing number of women that are dissatisfied with themselves due to constant external pressure to look perfect. Or how much you hate your nose, your hips, your breasts, the cellulite on the backs of your thighs? Fourth, we can change up the media and celebrity culture. Members of society at-large strive with conform to prevailing ideals in order to be validated as attractive. Stop and take a closer look! I know from growing up I have heard all about physical appearances and how it should be maintain in a healthy way. Body image is huge in the media and the way people look and judge different people. We have seen how the people who are shown in advertisements, films, TV shows, magazines, and even news channels share certain features in common. analytical Essay. You need to understand that everything you see on screen is not true. While the ideals are supposed to promote health awareness, fitness motivation, and self love, it unfortunately results in many unfavorable consequences. Perhaps the greatest example of the dangers of child beauty pageants is the story of six year old Jon Bent. The biggest insecurity I have ever had is my skin colour. Make argument writing easier on you and your students with these printable, editable, and digital graphic organizers! Theses beauty standards are advertised in various ways and these beauty standards that are set are unrealistic. For example, Kylie Jenner, if you grew up watching Keeping up with the Kardashians you know how she looked before all the plastic surgery she got done, she now looks completely different. Body image issues have recently started to become a problem in todays society because of social media, magazines, and television. When for many females they cant lose as much weight as their friend can just because of their genes and how they were born. Documents Hate speech (i.e. Although men also develop eating disorders but they only make up 5-10 percent of those affected by eating disorders, leaving women with a huge majority of 90-95 percent affected(Elizabeth Weiss Vollstadt, page 8). Figure two indicates that the chances of girls dieting are 2.2 times likely than men. The prime suspect in the case said . Dont you think this is wrong? I'm sure you've heard of Heidi Montag - MTV's "The Hills" star, who took away her natural beauty and turned herself into a living Barbie doll. Politics take a crucial, part in this because politics like to control us and decide what they want us to do. Persuasive Speech On Beauty. Giving to charity is good. Studies have shown that women who occupy most of their time worrying about body image tend to have an eating disorder and distress which impairs the quality of life. My thesis statement is: I'd like to talk about the . According to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5), anorexia nervosa is a restriction of energy intake, intense fear of gaining weight, and a disturbance in the perception of ones body size (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). 4. Relax, acknowledge, and accept your body. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. These are also the pictures that are being shown to teenagers at a time of their lives that they are particularly susceptible to peer pressure and looking good(Tabitha Farrar). The second Girls Bills of Rights states, Girls have the right to express themselves with originality and enthusiasm ("Girls Inc. | Inspiring All Girls to Be Strong, Smart, & Bold"). We live in a world in which our society influences our everyday routine, behaviors, actions and how we see ourselves. Our girls grown seeing these models and advertisements thinking that's how they have to look, which is unreal, so they start to think that they're not pretty. Grabe, Hyde, and Ward provide information and laboratory experimentations on over the past years media has portrayed thinner women which cause. Although Turkle may only seem of concern to only a small group of people, it should in fact concern anyone who cares about the negative effects social media can have on people. It includes 45 different graphic organizers for teaching narrative, summary, argumentative, and expository writing at a 25% discount pric. I would like to say that I am comfortable in my own skin and come across that way (I also eat a lot), but I am just like any other girl and have gone through the phase myself (and when boys call me cute, I tend to turn into a strawberry and deny it vehemently). While not all beauty image ideals promote negative feelings and dissatisfaction, many believe that the negative effects far outweighs any positive effects. You can produce an effective persuasive speech if you structure your . Practice gratitude. However, by promoting a positive body campaign, stopping the portrayal of fake and photoshopped models in the media, and expanding the diversity of models, we could lift unrealistic body standards and start accepting everybody as beautiful. The establishment of these unrealistic beauty standards have caused campaigns like the Lane Bryant "#This Body" to shine a light upon the women of color and different physiques. Girls should be comfortable and confident in their image. To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are. Anonymous Eating Disorders affect factors such as overall appearance, Persuasive Essay On The Standard Of Beauty, When thirteen-year-old Alyssa looks into the mirror, she runs through a list of everything she hates about her body, I wish my stomach was flatter, my chest was bigger, my thighs were skinnier, my arms were more toned, and my waist was smaller. She looks into the mirror, comparing her body to the bodies of her friends, celebrities and the images she sees in magazines. To persuade people to explore the different ideas of beauty are different in each perspective throughout the standard. Statistics show that girls are developing eating disorders at the age of six. Beauty Standards of the Modern Age. There are multiple factors that make persuasive speech topic ideas better than others. What is known about beauty standards is that they vary a great deal across time and culture. The minimum wage should be increased. Beauty standards are set so only these people benefit, but this world is full of people of all shapes and sizes, no one person is exactly the same, even twins, so why should beauty standards be of the same look, we should embrace our differences and appreciate and promote diversity, instead of models all looking like clones of e3ach other, the catwalk should be full of men and women comfortable in their own skin, wearing fashion pieces modelled around their bodies, not shaping them. Or is it because you feel your beauty is not up to standard or even non-exist ant? It is important to remember that true beauty is not about achieving a certain appearance or adhering to certain standards. Media images of ridiculously thin women are everywhere television shows, movies, popular magazines. Women, especially teenagers, find themselves thinking that they have to look like the model they saw in a magazine, or on social media. There still are advertisements where a female gets promoted or gets an increase in salary and recognition after she uses a fairness product. A persons body image can come from, what they see by watching a television show, what they see on social media, and from their peers. People tend to compare themselves with others. When you constantly are being advertised on what celebrities do,people start to do everything they do. The most important part of a persuasive speech is the conclusion, second to the introduction and thesis statement. It can control our brains in many ways , for example if we see a picture with food people might stare at it and end up getting hungry that's a way that social things can control our brain cells. 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