""It's true every day. [54], According to Nash Windrider, on Alderaan, its people were encouraged to learn and grow. What happens to one of you will affect the other. It's the whole history of Alderaanian architecture in one massive building.Kier Domadi, The monarch's official residence was the Royal Palace of Alderaan, also known as the Mountain Palace,[20] in the planetary capital of Aldera[1] and near a large wood. The heir must prove herself worthy in body, heart, and mind. Beings would also wear such coverings out of modesty, hiding parts . From Nal Hutta to Alderaan to Moraband, we pick out some other fascinating worlds the franchise should be exploring instead of Luke Skywalker's sandy home. However, that status commanded little authority,[18] since almost nobody took the concept of hereditary nobility seriously any longer,[17] and Organa never wore any symbol of royalty unless tradition demanded it. A radical idea - Naboo being Alderaan. After the Battle of Endor, the surviving Alderaanians lived together aboard a seven- starship flotilla and planned to build themselves a new home from the remains of the second Death Star. In 3 BBY,[source?] [19] During the Clone Wars, Neeyutnee served as Queen of Naboo. We're lucky on Alderaan. This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. [69] The fleet consisted of members of Danger Squadron, which arrived in T-65B X-wing starfighters led by Danger Leader Duros Shriv Suurgav,[27] Nunb in the Mellcrawler II, and the MC80 Star Cruiser Restoration. [8], Breha also witnessed the fall of the democratic Galactic Republic and its replacement by the dictatorial Galactic Empire, and, along with her consort and viceroy Bail Prestor Organa, played a major part in the rise of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Naboo can be deceptively quaint, but many factors turn this pretty planet into one of the most influential spots in the galaxy. She would introduce herself as "Leia Organa, princess of Alderaan," "Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan," "Leia Organa, princess of the ruling house of Alderaan, heir to the crown," or "Princess Leia of the royal House of Organa, future queen of Alderaan. At first, Bane and Moralo Eval were successful in capturing Palpatine. Before Alderaan met its tragic end, it was a galactic hub of art, culture, and freedom. The Alderaaian monarch was expected to wear braids. However, the Alderaanian senator was defeated by Senator Sheev Palpatine, who represented the sovereign system of Naboo. Naboo and Alderaan may. [11] Viscount Rabael Dir Glorio, 26th in line to the throne and last scion of House Glorio, also survived the cataclysm. [1] For example, the palace of the royal family, which as been the work of over a millennium,[11] and the city around it blended into the local snow-capped peaks. Ithor is a world where its native species took to the skies and stars to let the world heal and florish without their harmful technological influence. Decades later, the planet would again fight against tyranny, rising up against the military junta of the First Order during its war with Organa's Resistance. I know I'm not the first person to suggest this, but really how much would changing that one word have connected the OT and the PT and made the emotional impact of each so much more? Or maybe if a planet cant find a senator, then the leader(s) of the planet take that role.) ""You say that every day. Alderaan's treasury had gone to feed so many mouths across the galaxy while the war raged on, yet neither his wealth nor Breha's pedigree could guarantee their family would ever know the love and joy of a child. Powerful Jedi Master with a purple lightsaber and general during the Clone Wars. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Mothma aligns herself with Naboo's Padme Amidala (Catherine Taber) and Alderaan's Bail Organa (Phil Lamarr) to offer a peaceful solution to the war. [28], Following the end of the Clone Wars, Viceroy Bail and Queen Breha adopted Leia Amidala Skywalker, the daughter of the now deceased Padm Amidala and former Jedi Knight turned Sith Lord Anakin Skywalker, renaming her to Leia Organa and making her princess of Alderaan. [45], Right as the Naboo summit ended,[45] about ten years before the Clone Wars, Naboo was blockaded and invaded by the Trade Federation. Typho and his rebel team fought him. Palpatine subsequently rose to the office of the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, with Amidala eventually taking his place as the planet's senatorial representative. Societal information Through the intervention of Organa and Queen Sosha Soruna, however, Naboo was spared from ruin and went on to become a member of the successor state to the Alliance, the New Republic. Because of its ties with the Alliance, the planet was destroyed when Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin decided to test the superlaser of the Death Star, a moon-sized battle station developed by the Empire, at full strength. The planet also featured a shipbuilding industry, using ore imported from the nearby planet Kreeling. Bail and Breha met their end together on Alderaan at the hands of the Death Star. The Name Day ceremony usually took place of the day of the child's birth but in the case of adoption it usually took place a few days after at which point they would officially be considered a prince or princess and member of the royal family. The Naberrie family was a modest one, but Padm's parents recognized greatness in their daughter at an early age. Returning to the Jedi Order, Sy became a Jedi Knight and Talisola's master. In addition, he or she had charge of the royal books, balancing the many accounts and personally overseeing funding of all public works on Alderaan. The planet's crown princess and representative in the Imperial Senate, Princess Leia Organa,[3] began using her diplomatic immunity as an Imperial senator to carry out Rebel missions in restricted Imperial systems. Princess Leia managed to use her political connections to take scrap from the Death Star, initially intended for incineration, to be used to construct a new space station around the planet. The Separatists, the clone army, the secret Sith Lord pulling all the s. He was also a member of the system's royal family, styled as His Serene Highness, First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan. Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy A Graphic Novel, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition, Alliance to Restore the Republic-aligned governments. [28], Around the time of the Battle of Kadavo, two Alderaanian tourists visiting Tatooine died in a speeder-bike accident. [10] However, Crown Princess Leia Organa, who was on a secret mission to Tatooine, survived the destruction of her homeworld. anakinfansince1983 , Dec 29, 2013 Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. [52], In 4 ABY, Leia married Han Solo on the forest moon of Endor. A green, lush planet with swamps and mountains, they probably experienced flash floods on occasion. This article needs appropriate citations. [38], In 28 BBY,[source?] It was home to the indigenous Gungan species and to a population of humans known as the Naboo. The map would later be incorporated into The Rebel Files. [65], During the Festival of Light, Dooku sent Cad Bane and his team of bounty hunters to kidnap Palpatine in order to free Separatist prisoners from Republic captivity. Also, Princess Leia was fond of simple white gowns that suited most occasions. [55] When the colonists made contact with the Gungans, tensions arose between the two peoples, culminating a series of wars between the two species. Naboo was a bountiful planet in the Chommell sector of the Mid Rim, in the Trailing Sectors and close to the border of the Outer Rim Territories. Breha Organa also would have attached the Rhindon Sword to Leia's waist before going to meet her husband (or wife). From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back. we celebrate that union.Sheev Palpatine, Meanwhile, the Naboo had fallen prey to a long period of brutal infighting among the large city-states of humans that inhabited the planet. [73] Berenko was among the millions killed when the First Order destroyed Hosnian Prime, the home of the Senate at the time. Naboo would commit itself firmly to democracy in the intervening years, staying loyal to the Republic during the pan-galactic Clone Wars, which saw several military engagements against the Confederacy of Independent Systems come to the planet. Eventually, a general named Jafan managed to end the war, uniting the opposing factions through both force of arms and force of will. When the monarchy was established, its traditions involving the succession were also established, such as the heir's Day of Demand and their three challenges. But, Bane planned a diversion in order to lure the Republic forces away while Dooku carried out the kidnapping. Its economy and environment were regarded to be far healthier than most worlds which had been subject to Imperial rule. [19] While the monarch worked for harmony on Alderaan,[4] the planet's dealings with the galaxy at large were entrusted to his or her consort (referred to as viceroy if male). Astrographical information Since Alderaan could not be seen directly supporting the rebels, Senator Organa arranged for his adopted daughter Leia to deliver the vessels to Lothal. The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film, The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. [43], During the Galactic Civil War, Alderaan was listed as an Alliance safe world. [13], After the Battle of Endor, the surviving Alderaanians lived together aboard a seven-starship flotilla and planned to build themselves a new home from the remains of the second Death Star. 5 Reply Share Report Save Follow Mace Windu. Obi-Wan Kenobi Props, LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation, and More! 1: Alderaan's sun[4] [27] Many refugees from all over the Republic came to stay on Alderaan during the war to find their way again or to stay. 18 standard hours[7] Major imports Alderaanian[24] Leia became a princess because she was adopted into royalty. [39] During the Clone Wars Viceroy Bail Organa became Alderaan's military leader.[11]. Its assistanceyour assistance, Your Highnesswould be invaluable in leading the way to a restoration of the Senate. [71], Some twenty days after the Battle of Endorwhich resulted in the defeat of the Empire by the Alliance to Restore the Republicthe Royal House of Naboo received a visit by Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, who had been sent by Mon Mothma, Chancellor of the Alliance. You must understand this.Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Rugor Nass, Naboo was inhabited by two societies: an indigenous species of intelligent amphibians called the Gungans and a group of peaceful humans who were referred to as the Naboo. [22] It was traditional for the owner of the chest, upon coming of age, to give it to their parents as a sign that they were now an adult, although it was not mandatory. [7] Many refugees from across the Republic came to Alderaan to find their way again or to stay on Alderaan. Highlights of the Saga: Alderaan Survives! The rebels went as far as baiting a Sando aqua monster into fighting the Dark Lord of the Sith. Demonym [3] They subsequently resolved to separate and live apart from that point on. We'll deserve to lose it.Bail Organa, to his daughter Leia, The monarchy on Alderaan already existed a millennium before the rule of the Galactic Empire. [1] In some cases, the monarch even assumed a ministerial portfolio. Trade routes [9], By the time of the Invasion of Naboo, Alderaan had not seen conflict in generations. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. For scenes shot in Naboo, one of the real-world locations included the Caserta Palace in Italy that doubled as the Queen Padme's palace in the capital city of Theed. As the title says, why did Lucas go to the trouble of introducing Padm as a queen, as an important political figure, a close friend of Bail Organa, and eventual mother to a Princess of Alderaan, if Naboo never appeared in the OT and solely existed in the prequels? In that movie, the planet was only seen from space during the scene depicting its destruction. The plans were later stolen from the data vault on Scarif, and transferred aboard the Tantive IV. [62] However, Naboo's internal politics were also interfered with by the new regime; while the people were still permitted to elect their monarchs, those who gained the office had little real power or influence. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Why the hell was Naboo not Alderaan? Many heirs gave up their keepsake chests at the point of investiture, but the ritual didn't demand it. [54], In 832 BBY, under the direction of King Jafan, the capital city of Theed was founded along the banks of the Solleu River with the Theed Royal Palace built on the Cliffs of Theed. [62] Instead, all major decisions regarding Naboo were placed firmly in the hands of the sector's Moff, a position held by[67] Palpatine's close ally[45] and former Security Forces officer Quarsh Panaka,[67] who was appointed before the election for governor could even happen. [1], At some point before the end of the Clone Wars, Breha took up the mantle of queen[5] succeeding her mother. Vader also trusts Palpatine at this point so he would probably just take him for his word like he did in the original. For one, it lives on the edge of Republic space, making it an important foothold in the Clone Wars. [63], During the Battle of Mon Cala, elements of the Gungan Grand Army led by Representative Binks were dispatched to the watery planet of Mon Cala to aid Senator Amidala, the Jedi, the Clone SCUBA troopers, and the Mon Calamari Prince Lee-Char's forces against the Separatist commander Riff Tamson and his Quarren allies. [64], Later, the Gungan Boss Lyonie came under the influence of the pro-Separatist minister Rish Loo. It was home to the indigenous Gungan species and to a population of humans known as the Naboo. [12] Queen Breha herself served as the minister of education,[17] and personally mentored a select number of young Alderaanians, including Evaan Verlaine, teaching them about the culture and heritage of their homeworld. In fact, Alderaan was one of the earliest supporters of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, though its officials prudently kept all ties to the Rebellion secret. Jar Jar Binks and Padm Amidala hailed from the Naboo. [37] The planet was represented in the Galactic Senate by Senator Bail Antilles. Elder Houses[22]House of Organa[3]Galactic Republic[9]Galactic Empire[3][9]Alliance to Restore the Republic[3] Alderaan was regarded for its natural beauty, its tranquility, and the sophistication of its arts and culture. [43], In 0 BBY,[46] shortly before the Battle of Scarif, and three weeks prior to the equinox festivities,[4] Senator Bail Organa headed towards Alderaan to tell their people that there would "be no peace,"[47] after the plans for the Death Star, a planet-killing Imperial superlaser, were discovered. Clothing referred to garments made from various types of materials and taking several forms used by sentient beings to cover their body. [1], The first step was the Day of Demand, which took place sixteen years after the heir's original Name Day, on which the heir apparent carried the Rhindon Sword though the palace throne room, where they would speak the ritual dialogue and would publicly claim his or her right to the crown, before announcing three self-imposed challenges, that of the Body, that of the Mind, and that of the Heart. Orbital period [28], Queen Breha and Viceroy Bail would send aid to worlds that had been ravaged by the Separatists, sending not just money and supplies but also doctors, teachers, architects, builders, medics, and droids. [66] At that time, Sio Bibble had finally decided to retire from governorship over Naboo, setting the stage for an election that Sach was seemingly going to win. [5] There is also a discrepancy over the names of the three moons: Nexus of Power states that the moons where Ohma-D'un, Rori, and a small third moon that has no in-universe name,[13] while Rise of the Separatists, a sourcebook from Star Wars Roleplaying, states that the three moons of Naboo are Rori, Veruna, and Ohma-D'un. [13], During the High Republic Era, the former Jedi Padawan Kantam Sy found the Force-sensitive Lula Talisola amongst the children cared for at an orphanage on Naboo. The Alderaanians risked losing their seat in the Imperial Senate among other Imperial sanctions. ""I want one hundred percent within eight hours, Lieutenant Gulin. It was notably featured on one of Viceroy Bail Organa's belts,[5] and Princess Leia had a hair clasp shaped like it. I liked Naboo, and I liked that Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker's wife were political allies from the same planet. Help us, Core Worlds, Colonies, Inner Rim, and Expansion Region, Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series Episode I, Princess Leia vs. Darth Vader - A Fearless Leader, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Episode IV: A New Hope Read-Along Storybook and CD, Star Wars: The Original Trilogy A Graphic Novel, Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure, The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure. [9] Its surface had vast bodies of water[3] and was covered in snow-capped mountains,[9] with patches of green grassy hills. Her viceroy and consort Bail Organa was addressed simply as "Viceroy." Among the few survivors of that disaster was Princess Leia Organa, adopted daughter of Bail and Breha Organa and heiress to the royal house of Alderaan. The pride I feel for this planet cannot be put into words. Author Darth Giacomo Date 28-May-2019, 10:08 PM Author Darth Giacomo Time 28-May-2019 10:08 PM Post link. Naboo and Alderaan seem to be on a similar level with their respect for design and craftsmanship, and both planets have seemingly wealthy elites who reflect this. (Probably wont because it would be hard to implement but seeing more of Bail would be amazing. Senator Organa had arranged for the crew of the Ghost to "steal" the ships from an Imperial depot on Lothal so that Alderaan could not be blamed for the "theft." [29], Leia Organa once noted that had her wedding been on Alderaan, in the cathedral located in Aldera, she would have worn a customary lace dress. On the other hand, the architecture of Naboo was inspired by the domed and scalloped roofs of the Marin County Civic Center.[76]. [75], You and the Naboo form a symbiont circle. The buildings of Naboo were based on the Hagia Sophia, a cathedral turned mosque then turned museum located in Istanbul, Turkey. As a result, Naboo lacked any combat-trained pilots by the time of the Battle of Endor. Additionally, after being urged to by Captain Quarsh Panaka, Amidala took on a group of Handmaidens, whom she quickly befriended, planning her days with them instead of Panaka. [27] Alderaan was known to the galaxy as "the planet of beauty. [56], The Naboo colonists later expanded to other uninhabited planets in the Chommell sector, such as Karlinus. Gallo eventually attacked the city Spearhead, which was the home of the rogue warlord Boss Rogoe and the other Gungan holdouts, with a massive Gungan army. After their destruction, the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Torment was then engaged by Danger Squadron and several Y-wing bombers, and the Restoration delivered the fatal blow to the hull of the Torment. [40], The Clone Wars saw a change in Alderaan. I have a crazy idea: What if we could restore the original idea of Naboo being Alderaan? Baby Luke was brought to his father's planet of Tattooine, and baby Leia brought to her mom's. 2 billion[7][23]95% humans[7]5% other[7] [10], By 5 ABY, a flotilla of starships orbited the Alderaanian Graveyard, the new name for the debris remaining of the planet. Naboo, like Alderaan, is a planet that prides itself on peace and diplomacy. [9] Fish was an important food to the people of Naboo. It must be earned. We have their loyalty. [11], During the High Republic Era, Alderaan was a prosperous world and, as a signatory of the Republic Defense Coalition treaties, was required to lend starships and personnel to be commanded by Republic military officers during times of crisis. [27], Due to the fact that Naboo had been the Emperor's homeworld, the planet became a rallying point for Imperial sympathizers. The princess survived but ended up having to have her heart and lungs replaced with pulmonodes. Cookie Notice [24], As egalitarian as the Alderaanian monarchy was, people were normally expected to follow certain rules when conversing with royals. Aldera cathedral[10]Appenza Peak[11]Cloudshape Falls[12]Glarus Lagoons[11]Istabith Falls[11]Isatabith rain forest[12]Kathou[13]River Wuitho[11]Royal Palace of Alderaan[1]Unidentified region[11]University of Alderaan[7] The planet's destruction left only an asteroid field behind,[3] which was blockaded by the Empire. Due to the destruction of Alderaan Leia's mother, Breha Organa, couldn't attach the Rhindon Sword to her waist before Leia went to meet her husband though during the ceremony Leia felt as if her mother was attaching the sword and her father, Bail Organa, was kissing her on the cheek. As such, surviving Alderaanians would be treated with great respect for their lost world and people. Monarchy[9] [1] The princess' simplistic style often caused her to clash with her attendant droid WA-2V who was programmed to ensure that the princess was always presented in grand style for every occasion. The Heir's Crown was decorated with jewels. [54], Palpatine's stain is heavy on our people, and we carry that shame still.Sosha Soruna, Following the rise of the Galactic Empire and Palpatine's self-proclamation as Emperor, Naboo hosted one of the new regime's military garrisons. The accident, however, did lead to her and her husband's decision to adopt rather than further strain Breha's body by having biological children. Padme Amidala ( Natalie Portman) is the Queen of Naboo at the age of 14, and we know that Leia becomes an influential politician on Alderaan during her adolescence. So I submit that the theory is still good because George Lukus is a dumbass. Economy and environment were regarded to be far healthier than most worlds which had been subject to rule! Idea of Naboo were naboo and alderaan on the Hagia Sophia, a cathedral mosque... Some cases, the Gungan Boss Lyonie came under the influence of the Invasion of Naboo being Alderaan at point. Were based on the edge of Republic space, making it an food! Binks and Padm Amidala hailed from the Naboo colonists later expanded to other uninhabited planets the! Maybe if a planet cant find a senator, then the leader ( s ) the... Hub of art, culture, and mind with pulmonodes Bane planned a in... 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