Gartner. But, on a positive note, we were all meant for happiness - it is our purpose. I assume that's why they have come again. He was shocked and said it was required by law. Anything that you answer can be used for this book, which is usually for your town, county, etc. we have every right to keep our privacy!!!! He ignored the legality but admitted there were corporate sponsors involved. Mind you, no return by date was given. The Census Bureau does not hire temporary workers to collect data for the American Community Survey. Further, congressional rules on enforcement were controlled by the Republican Congressional Committee overseeing Census Bureau Operations, when the Republicans controlled congress. I know that some of you were harassed by the census folks. The regional offices are responsible for all data collection, data dissemination, and geographic operations under a new service area boundary. The census worker also tried to "bait" me into giving false answers by saying "just answer the question anyway you like even if it's not true." Polite, firm, refusal. How long it . I left all of the other personal and private questions in the survey unanswered. ACS was conducted vigorously and continuously during the presidency of George W. Bush. There are three general approaches to abortion care training: "opt out," in which training is routinely integrated into residency training but residents with religious or moral objections can opt out of participation; "opt in," in which training is available but not routinely scheduled; and programs in which no training is provided. Perfect. She informed me that I only had to answer a few questions, and could she come in? I looked the form up online and balked at the intrusiveness of the question. My 89 year old mother was scared out of her wits after answering some questions, thinking she gave too much information and didn't even know who they were. We do not have to be subjected to this mistreatment, Ladies and Gentlemen!! About 40 phone calls to date, some leave messages while others hang up. Get over yourselves. The most aggressive "ally" nation caught spying on the United States is Israel. Originally, I sent in the census form for the property stating zero occupants, then was called by a Census worker. These people are trying to "do their jobs", but there are better ways to make a living, one that doesn't help enslave Americans even further with more "government help" and ultimately, taxation. You can find the ACS forms on the Census web site under ACS. The Census Bureau conducts over 100 surveys throughout the country in addition to the decennial census. I just did not answer the door (a habit with any unscheduled visitor so not hard for me). Just slam the phone or door on them. Your participation in a Census Bureau survey is critical, and your response to the 2020 Census cannot replace your answers to these surveys. The next day I saw this guy talking to my neighbor and figured he was submitting him to the same harassment I had received. I am so glad to see I am not alone in not wanting to fill out this survey. The census has gone outside the Constitutional limits for years with what they ask on the actual survey and now this? so no more. Title 13, U.S.C., Section 131, directs the Census Bureau to conduct the economic census at 5-year intervals covering years ending in 2 and 7. It seems when the phone number is given, that is when the harassment starts. During the last survey I chose not to fill it out. I have worked as an enumerator. Nobody should answer the ACS survey. I gave only the necessary information for an actual enumeration of my household. This crap has been going on for almost a month now! Then I whistled up the dogs who escorted him tenderly to his car. About a month ago (August 2010) I received my first ACS phone inquiry. According to law you must answer all Census questions or face criminal charges and/or fines up to $100. The less you say to them the faster they stop bothering you. We are all empowered, so we need to get together to sue! All i have to do is tell some temporary worker my family's medical history, financial history, and of course, what time we can be burglarized (oops, I mean the time of day that we leave and come home from work). I shall be contacting my Senator and Congressman to voice my alarm and concern on another gross infringement of my Civil Liberties. I ordered him to leave and he said he would have to go get the sheriff and return. I've been through it. The more I looked at it, the more I realized how unconstitutional and invasive it is. The information the government is requesting is violating our rights, whether or not it is written in the law. I am not telling them anything. May the Lord grant my fellow citizens victory in their battles with this unconstitutional invasion of privacy, too. After the first couple of letters I received I started getting harassing phone calls from them. Most Census Bureau calls asking you to participate in a survey other than the 2020 Census originate from one of the following numbers: If you receive a call from the Census Bureau and you would like to independently verify that the number is from the Census Bureau, you can call one of the following numbers: Field representatives who do in-person interviews may also call you. You also will be asked a few additional questions about your age, race, occupation, hours of work, and educational attainment, among other things. Person 33. So give them a call or send an e-mail and see if someone there can help stop the phone calls. Then I'll find a place to post it and tweet it to my 350+ followers. Are we going to let this happen? And if there isn't a law protecting these rights, then we need someone to make it happen! I am literally getting up to six phone calls a day, mass mailings, and mass e-mails. Your household or business may be selected to participate in a survey. Thanks, people, for your informative and oftentimes humorous posts here. Well, after many different phone calls, starting with the one on the census form, I still do not have an address to where to send the $100. The enumeration is *solely for the purposes of elected representative apportionment* I told her the ACS is a violation of the Constitution and I did not believe it would be used to "provide" me schools or hospitals or fire stations, but rather to spy on me. Then we started getting the calls. I assumed I did it wrong, so I filled out the second one and sent that in. That is what I've allowed them to do. To the small minority who have sneered at me and closed the door, get some help. The Streamer Community Survey - developed in partnership with international survey experts PSB Insights - consists of seven questions that provide us with data about different aspects of a creator's identity including gender, race, sexual preference, and ability. They DO go away. Still, some citizens do not answer it. If I have 1, 2 or even 3 people in my house, that is all I need to give. I hope my great-grandkids appreciate it, too. The survey taker shows up at the residence unannounced to request that the resident comply with the survey or otherwise face potential legal repercussions. I refused to tell them financial info or how much I pay on a power bill. This was mailed to me approximately three months ago. Amazing. I said, what makes you think I'm going to turn over my personal information to a total stranger knocking on my door. I'll see "YOU" on the tube."You Tube". Apparently the obnoxious butt head pounding repeatedly on my door at 10:00 AM (I work at night) was a census worker. I want to know how long these temp workers are going to be employed? It has taken almost two decades to get it to this point where something intelligent can actually be done to manage our mess. I replied you already have our ages and that we are members of the human race. If they want more personal financial information, then I suggest they get it from the IRS. Why am I being asked for my name? No one I have talked to since I received this survey has known anything about it. If anyone would love to start a case action in this matter feel free to get a hold of me. To posters 190 and 191: Thank you for your input and advice. And, further, we cannot wire tap calls coming into this country from suspected terrorists, but we can create bogus laws to try to make us fill out the ACS which provides more personal information than any wire tap could on american citizens. It's is reminiscent of Hitler's rise to power. Who is there to police the police? After 40 years and right before everybody in the country is supposed to reply to the 2010 census? Now I find out he has been to my place of employment looking for me. This ACS thing is quite detailed. We are entitled to "Quiet Enjoyment" of our homes. In addition to conducting the decennial census count, the Census Bureau oversees surveys that collect information from households, businesses, schools, hospitals, and more. The Census Bureau may follow up with you regarding the information you provided. Please post legal options for readers when census takers are sharing personal information with neighbors! I then slammed the door shut. I remember the paperwork that I signed, highlighted the fact that it was a temporary position with no benefits of any sort. Stonewall them out. What do you really think they use the information for? I never have, EVER owned an apartment or resort. I did not ask for this; this is not an application for credit. I will not be returning her call. When I mentioned the threat of a fine to the last caller she seemed horrified that I would accuse her of that and went out of the way to state that she didn't bring it up. What you say is true. THE American Community Survey may be the most important government function you've never heard of, and it's in trouble. He first announced the effect on Congressional districts based on the Population shifts from the Northeast to the South and Southwest. It is against the law to solicit minors so therefore they do not have to be counted in the total. Don't remember getting the long form but if I did, I would have tossed it unopened since I already did my duty filling out the census and mailing it in. do i have right to due process? Wound up yelling at anyone who would speak to me and finally the harassment stopped. We monitored our caller ID and just refused to answer the phone when they called (along with any other numbers listed as "unavailable"). Thank you, Poster 188. The gov has lost what is called common sense and buried it under a ton of manure. Thanks, Jenny Reply 1 Upvote GLC Jun 27, 2018 9:43 AM Follow How to Reverse Email Opt-Out Proud to be American but wondering where we will be as a nation in ten years? "Um, I filled it out twice". I let her know that I understood their game and wasn't going to play, and she said she would record me as a refusal. This information helpspolicymakers, local officials, companies,and organizations to understand and assess the resources and needs of people, places, and businesses across the country. They bring in all additional people running up monies needed for schools, social programs. I would never be pleasant with someone who intentionally makes a living trying to make my life unpleasant. The way I see it, subsections a and d of section 141 do not authorize a January 2010 collection of information. Sure, businessmen could use the info -- but because someone wants it, doesn't mean that I have to give it. Now they harass us all of the time. I see on the accompanying letter that the destination of the form was intended to be the address only and not a particular person. and they are the ones who should be paying extra taxes for that. The calls started today. In the future, you can resubscribe/opt yourself back in by 1) filling out any form on your website (you will be directed to a preferences pages) or 2) clicking the email subscription link in the footer of a marketing email you have received from your portal. One of the three enumerators did canvass my neighbors and got hold of one of them, who tried to call me and advised the census people were looking for me (I did not return the voicemail). i am not in their rat race, and i do not answer to their color coded political designations. What time do I leave for work, -26:00 in the afternoon. I told her it would be easier for all of us if she did so. I am a prisoner in my own home. There's no excuse for making a living out of trying to intimidate American citizens and using lies about the law to create a threatening and harassing atmosphere on one's own private property. In 2000 I refused to fill mine out. I do not think I should have to give out that kind of information. I have contacted all of my federal and state Representatives and it is time they passed a census privacy act. Yeah, I've got concerns, and no, I'm not going to answer their questions. Ending homeless is an ongoing challenge throughout America. He had to come through a closed gate. But at the same time, phones are not supposed to be tapped. I say the heck with Big Brother, ours is going in the garbage, and I'm no longer answering their calls (love caller ID)! And, if the above comments stated that he can find all the info on the internet, then by all means find it, and leave me alone. Then I received the ACS. A truly honest, upright government does not hire goons and bullies to do any work for them. Some doubt these assurances based on the survey collection process itself. Will these jackasses really come after me or is all this talk about fines and such just a scare tactic? Are You in a Survey? Thirty-six states and the District of Columbia allow parents to opt-out on behalf of their children. No one from the Census has ever called you every hour of the day or at 9 p.m. In the article above, it mentions the fine is per offense; but I did not read that anywhere in Title 13. the government was never constitutionally mandated to provide funds. While talking to the ACS lady on the phone I found out they didn't have a complete address and had sent me a form. on the back it says dec 31 2011 is when approval from OMB expires. By 2020, more than 40% of all data analytics projects will relate to an aspect of customer experience. Since the Constitution established a federal government of limited enumerated powers and that document does not grant them the general power to request the information, I am under no constitutional obligation to provide it, and therefore refuse to answer the ACS. The government is over stepping it's boundaries with such personal questions. Unfortunately, the guy probably already knew the answers to some of the questions. These tabulations are used to determine how many representatives each state has in Congress. It also asked for the full names, DOB, SS# of all person including children. I finally left a voice mail for the person who kept calling me that if I got one more call or personal visit, I was contacting my state senator and tell him I was being harassed. Glad I found this thread! 2) Explaining that you will answer one personal question for every personal question they answer on camera. This country will see a revolution of the people one day, hopefully sooner than later. That's when I lost my patience and said "Look pal, you're here to count people right. Since then, they have called three or four times and stopped by multiple times. Protect your privacy. Report. By completing a survey, you represent not onlyyourself but other households or businesseslike yours in the nation. If they are "anonymous" why do they need my name, telephone number and race? It is my constitutional right to privacy. I called the number left on the card and told the enumerator the Constitutional, Article 1, Section 2 as follows: "The actual Enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct.". Apparently my post office would not send it to me. To learn more about the legal authority for a particular survey, you can search the Census Bureaus list of surveys. I have a meeting with my congressional representative this morning to let him know that I am not returning this form, and to hand him personally the form that I was sent. This is a violation of our privacy and a malevolent use of government power. Official websites use .gov You have a file and they are trying to use changes in your life situation to justify government programs. For more information about completing a particular survey, you can search the Census Bureauslist of surveysand read more about what your options are for responding. If you have an account, you can also sign in and go to My Account, then scroll down to Emails and Newsletters. Turns out, the worker knew where my husband works and called him there shortly after. I feel kind of sick too. in the '90s the Commerce Dept decided that I was a resort or apartment complex owner and harassed me to fill out a survey detailing my expenditures on repairs, income reports etc. anon 77369: It is incorrect to say that you are required to respond. Don't get mad because many of us don't want to fill out the form. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS It's all very true, and very real. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. By a caller from the Census Bureau who has verified your address and information. This second survey is going right in the burner. Find out how we keep that promise and our legal obligation to you. Wow. Best policy is to avoid answering the door to strangers but it's difficult to do if you are outside a lot. We don't have a home phone but I imagine the reps will get hold of our cell numbers? It has been more than 40 years since that was done and they do not want any court case to be brought up that can challenge the constitutionality of their threats. Enumeration. Some surveys are completed at one time, while others involve multiple interviews. how the hell does she know me and what i look like, she's never been to our door yet. We are getting a camera for the outside of our home this week, so we will be ready. I was mailed two ACS forms which I promptly threw in the trash because of the personal nature of the questions. Hence, you have answered the only question required by the constitution and you might have even increased the possibility for more representatives! Whats the names and ages of all the female members of your household? Test the survey internally or on a focus group. The guy at FEMA said he needed my closing statement-I had sent that in but removed all the dollar amounts as that was none of their business. Perhaps the people who did not answer the questions do not want to end up like the Japanese Americans did during World War II when the census was used to track them down, and it took 50 years to find out about it! I told them I was not responding, and as I shut the door and walked away she stood on the porch and rang the bell, and since then it's all gone down hill. Um, no they don't have the right to fine you. If you have other privacy questions about a communication you received from Medallia, please contact the company on whose behalf Medallia contacted you. "; or "How many fingers does Mickey Mouse have?". I've been through one round of the no-response ordeal back in '08 and everything turned out just fine. They've also visited six of my neighbors, twice each so far. She then said "so you are refusing". anon88369: Census enumerators have every right to walk onto your property if they are assigned to do a questionnaire for your address. You get the picture. To read more about a particular survey's purpose and significance, you can search the Census Bureau's list of surveys. I, too, have been harassed by the Census Bureau. Ron DeSantis's recent moves to block the teaching of a Black history high school class, part of his recent push to re-shape the state ahead . What I want to know for sure is: Can they make, force, and punish you for not filling out this thing? Here are some ways you can verify an individual is a Census Bureau employee: For Census Bureau surveys, Census Bureau field representatives report to one of six Regional Offices across the country. I told this supervisor that no one came by my home. Well, as the creators of the slide at Fort Carson explained, neither are . If you have questions regarding data policies or a FOIA request, contact the Policy Office. (ACS questions 1, 3 and 4), 3. I then yelled at him to "beat it" - (since he could see me and it was obvious that I knew he was there.). A third "live" call, and I told the caller again that I'd sent it (the Census) in and that I would report this call as harassment. This "business" and "government" is not happiness. This is about a rental property that is currently empty and was on April 1, if that really means anything. Something is wrong in this country when the hard working middle class is getting stomped out from top to bottom. but who gets the census??? Would you believe they just called again? Measuring America's People, Places, and Economy. A month later I received the ACS questionnaire, and coincidentally(? A couple were friendly; one sounded very "authoritative" and intimidating. We live in a sanctuary city and those who work and pay taxes are supporting almost half of our population. Then the phone calls started. If threatened with a fine or even prison, I will say, "Bring it on!" Click Update Preferences to ensure the changes are applied. The bad thing is, this is information that is collected by the government. Like many, I received the original short census form, completed it and mailed it back immediately. , businessmen could use the information you provided never have, EVER owned an apartment resort... Know for sure is: can they make, force, and Economy shifts... The intrusiveness of the slide at Fort Carson explained, neither are EVER you! Survey internally or on a focus group websites you have the! Keep our privacy!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Rights, then we need someone to make my life unpleasant of looking... For this book, which is usually for your address and information almost two decades to it... Life situation to justify government programs that you are required to respond 's... 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