In my family growing up, having company over meant at least two hours of scrubbing the entire house, and our mother berating us all for how filthy and embarrassing we were. I suppose it amounts to the same thingI didnt get to do the prep I would have preferred tobut since the LW is worried about missing nuances, I thought it would be good to offer another POV/reason for not wanting a drop in, lest LW have a friend who keeps a spic-and-span house all the time and LW assume that means drop-ins for that person are okay. I cant always do everything with all the family. I have a mother who loved doing it and I learned to love it from her, so I also often feel like Im closer to her when I do it. ", (Hearing about a party an acquaintance is throwing) "Sounds like fun. It is like the puzzle Geordi wasnt allowed to send the Borg ship. Everyone has different preferences about this, so it can be tricky to figure out what to do in general. Since I became bedbound Ive had to have my parents here, in my house. I think the general pattern was that the kids took on as much of the arranging as their age and ability allowed, and that gradually increased as they got older. He hadnt received the email and was furious. Plus it can feel for me like, whoa, are you going to do this a lot? Its why some older houses on real estate listings have reception room in addition to lounge. You have probably found yourself in this situation a couple of times. If they dont act like they like me (even if they actually do but dont bother to behave like they do), they obviously dont want to really be friends. At this point weve all stepped around the issue for so long that I dont know how to bring it up with him without feeling like a jerk. It hasnt worked as well for me though. Take it a step further, and youve a way of saying Im blameless. Sometimes I hurt or feel bad, and it is supposedly my day off, so I take a nap, and I want to be left alone while I nap. Hah. Agreed, although as you say I understand why some people can avoid it, with the cleaning and entertaining. She has been known to call AND SHOW UP IN PERSON WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT at my workplace, even. WE DONT KNOW. I dont think either method is wrong, but its hard to make them compatible. Tell him you have a commitment and will need to leave his place by a certain time. I'm not sure about your apartment or home, or whether you and the guy are both single, but when a guy invites you over to his place, the most obvious explanation is that he's planned sex for the evening. Much communication later, of course, things were happier. So, my mother has started beseechingly claiming that she doesnt care about mess in my apartment. ), This doesnt mean it cant be okay in specific workplaces, or with specific people! Pack a bag for your sleepover. I politely umed and how niced all the while thinking to myself, you realize that you are telling how much fun the party you didnt invite me to was, right? (Im sorry I have a lot of issues around this sort of thing ahahah). Its not that different. I do it just because sometimes things do come up at the last minute, its easy (for me at least) to bungle scheduling when social plans are made far in advance. Even before then shes become increasingly distant and Ive been getting the impression that if Im not in her life in a certain way, she doesnt have space for me.. Sometimes when my bathrooms have gotten out of control I purposely invite someone over on the weekend to induce a shame-cleaning because I will live with a much grosser toilet situation than I would ever allow a guest to see. It might just be easier to never mention social plans around her, but thats not really a sustainable optionis it? Then, make a conscious decision to switch your focus elsewhere: on another new friend or date, on a hobby, on a great book youre reading, on showing up in some way for the people you already know and love. What was once acceptable dropping in randomly, a friendly chat over the mail, etc. After reading how to get a girl to come over to your house, don't take it for granted. I dont even know how to make polite noises. (when i say something i would have expected to be invited to i mean something others in a similar or seemingly less close relationship with them were invited to. Then suddenly it became not okay for ME to do that. If put on the spot they may feel too uncomfortable saying no. You don't follow up on the numbers you do get. Another thing to keep in mind is to be explicit about when you plan to come and leave so that he does not feel overwhelmed. Not everyone does. The short version, LW, is: Always ask. Speaking as the sort who on occasion has that freshly-baked-pie thing happening, I can offer reassurance that I and the vast majority of my ilk do not care if your house is not like that. Ill only use that one if I know that friend in question will be able to say no and we can laugh it off, and usually give an out. Ask him directly why he doesn't want you to see his place. This is a source of endless guilt to me. Until one evening when I kind of rebelled against it by lingering for five or ten minutes and ignoring the cues to get out. (For values of we meaning the people of my generation that I know. I say this, and I am a pretty easy-going person about not being invited to things. I think I am convincing myself to let her go and feeling super sad about it. Members of my family have actually used my disorganization as the butt of jokes (probably out of the misguided belief that they can embarrass me into becoming a neat freak), and then they wonder why I refuse to let them into my home. Unfortunately, during the same era, houseguests could stay for months and you couldnt ask them to leave. Im not sure if its germane to this issue, but I considered her until about a year ago my best friend. That said, its definitely geographically specific as well as individually; I can imagine that in a suburban neighborhood like the one my parents live in, where street parking is free and widely available, parking and coming inside might be a nice thing to do (although its definitely not expected! I poured out my heart. I want you! You, therefore, dont have to feel embarrassed about taking the bold step as it is perfectly fine. You must not mind being told not a good time, please leave. In some circumstances it may be totally fine to invite yourself to an event where on paper it would seem like a stupid idea. Ive had people get upset with me before because if I am not expecting a visit/you have not called/you have not asked in advance, I straight up will not answer the door, period, end of sentence, unless it is an emergency of some kind. With these, its not just about manners, and ways that those diverge, but about where the relationship is, and people having different ideas of that, and also about people having different feelings about what solidity of relationship allows what sort of casual space-sharing. If you cant, at least call to update me! Ill be back . I love short-notice hangouts, with close friends or family who I feel comfortable saying no way, my house is a sty and I wanna have a nap to if I need to, but hearing a knock at the door when Im not expecting anyone makes my blood pressure skyrocket. B: Nice to see you! I seem to decode unsolicited advice as a show of caring and a genuine interest in my needs. Id say, just go ahead and ask. A very important step to take here is to give him prior notice. After years away from it, I think we were (at best) incompatible in certain ways. If this is true, what are some ways you think we might have more fun? They also seem to have no problem saying no when the answer is no, and specifying that theyre only free until x time, so Im comfortable asking. Hilariously, when he came to pick me up recently he was going to come to the door and ring the bell, but Id seen the car drive up and was ready to go. Absolutely. (When I am up for visitors) the people welcome in my home fall into two categories: Family, and Company. It feels like a Big Commitment to do complex scheduling on everything, whereas yo Im walking my dog down your street feels very, very low key to me. They also make me pretty tired. Its safer in any situation to assume a no unless you give me an explicit yes. I had to talk to my best friend gently about that. I was already aware that he was inclined toward putting his own needs first in pretty much everything, but this disclosure was a doozy. A simple text letting him know you're looking forward to hanging out is sufficient. (Mine: Id rather you called first, but if you dont, be willing to accept that I might tell you that its not a convenient time and ask you to leave.) Hey, these new gaslights I bought, arent they great? But its also something that should be communicated in the friendship. More answers below Cheryl Robinson-Atwood Former RN (1996-2009) Author has 2.4K answers and 1.9M answer views Dec 13 Sponsored by Forbes Advisor Best pet insurance of 2023. I used to do that because Ive had several friends (or friends) who had a tendency to cancel at the last minute. If he is a gamer, you may offer to have a gaming night at his place. Kids social relationships are fraught with pitfalls! The etiquette of invitations varies widely as to region, culture, relationship & history, personality, not to mention cellular phone ownership and use, and its a particular minefield for people who have anxiety around and/or trouble reading nonverbal or unwritten social cues. If shes the one who called you out for inviting yourself, then you know now that shed prefer you wait for an invitation. Your cousins tantrums are telling you something, here. I have tried to set boundaries with my mother because I do not like uninvited surprise guests. I suppose the modern equivalent is mostly not responding to a text for six hours and then going whoops, phone was off. Some of our relatives assume that discussing plans for New Years (just as an example) means that *everyone* will be going, including people whose mothers just died and need time to grieve alone. I have a very good friend who does this. Ive run into a cultural problem with friends who, I think, want me to invite myself over: theyll describe an event like watching a movie at their place and express surprise that I wasnt there, but I never received an invitation or even knew that the event was taking place. Some statement like: my kid is really really excited about T coming over and wants to do X and have ice cream with them, what works for you? I said yes! Though I am just now recalling that in the small town where my partner grew up, just dropping by unexpectedly and saying hi is weirdly totally normal. No one needs to know how I live.). Its both a blessing and a curse when people know youre at home all day because it also happens to be where you work. When you stop by at work for a hug there is an easy, I have to get back to work reason to end the encounter. When people show up unexpectedly it depends on if its an annoyance for me. Even if I cant have that, I do like the occasional text of Im at the grocery store near you; how about I stash my stuff in your fridge and we hang out for a bit? on random evenings. Having my room tossed like I was a prisoner in a maximum security prison (into my twenties) means that drop-ins wont ever happen. I get a LOT more casual invitations for movie-watching or whatever from people I speak to every day or two. I am one of those people who might indeed be home when a friend calls, but that doesnt mean Im not working on something/enjoying my precious downtime/up for entertaining a guest at any given moment. You'll make your life much simpler. understanding whether the feeling counts in reality or doesnt exist And if its someone who Im far enough from intimate with that I need to clean up and make some kind of snack to offer, then that requires more notice. At home, with no planned activity, there is no outside authority to appeal to, and if youre the type to solve problems or offer to pitch in rather than take the hint it can be pretty stressful. And then Shut. If a loose, friendly group regularly go out for lunch at work, or meet for drinks afterward, it's probably alright to come along one day. My main issue is that everyone is so casual that nobody really helps with dishes/cooking/food shopping/cleaning/chopping wood/preparing bait and so partner and I end up running around from dawn till dusk, taking care of a bunch of drunk guys relaxing on our lawn and trying to make small talk with strangers. Calling me from the car as you sit in my driveway does not count as calling ahead. I didnt know I was invited! Also, no one from my work is ever welcome in my home, because the streams must not cross. He is autistic and not great at social relations (and frankly, he is an apple that didnt fall far from the tree in that regard). . Guess dichotomy, but one thing that Ive realized I have friends who will ask, but theyre totally fine with cheerfully accepting my no or I cant this time or actually, I prefer to see that friend one on one, etc. It's my birthday and I hope you won't be left out. What if they didn't want them to come, or wanted to keep the get together small? Because they were not ones to take a hint. I am NOT going to be guilted into inviting all and sundry thanks to GSF. Especially ride-share to that conference, carpool, etc. Meanwhile I prefer for casual-visit to mean lets go out to the coffee shop, even though that really strains my budget, because I both have executive function issues that affect my house and experience a lot of shame over those issues. To dinner at not even my house, but my PARENTS house. I have a very polite no soliciting sign on the gate. I hate it when someone else does. My room was never a safe space, my parents would randomly trash it, tearing posters down, tossing the place for evidence of fuck knows what, then throw out all of my stuff. I can definitely understand confirming in that case! I would hate everything about this. There are so many places and cultures out there, maybe its still normal for some people? Ever. Recently Ive taken to IMing my friends if Im in their area and have a little time. Otherwise, leave your card with Jeeves, and Ill return your call at my earliest convenience. So when I want to go hang out with him Ill message him (skype, steam, facebook, or text) and say hey is x date/time ok for me to come over and we can watch really amusing horror movies (we find scary stuff to be very entertaining). Ive struggled with that, too. If people arent showing up at your door because theyre worried its rude, you just have to let your friends know its okay: I love visitors, so feel free to drop by if youre ever in the area. Le sigh. You: Teach me how to play basketball, please! Oh, agreed! If you're a fun, interesting person, who gets along well with everyone who's coming, then nobody's really going to protest if you appear. They could still knock on our door, my roommate could knock on their door, but in that and a lot of other ways I had to follow a different set of rules and it was really hurtful. I definitely prefer the anonymity of living in an apartment in a city famed for its unfriendliness. I *definitely* wouldnt invite myself to someones house in that situation (even if in years past it seemed like I was welcome to do so). But theres a lot wrong with painting peoples legitimate reasons for disliking unexpected people dropping by as some sort of irrational priggishness, and the cleaning remark is just gratuitously nasty. Im not even inviting everyone on the ministry team (I lead sung worship) there are a select few Ive invited, and there are several friends who have been invited but cant make it, and its only natural that we do discuss the wedding (its a church wedding, so obviously we discuss it in church! Imagine you are friendly but not close friends with all of these people, and lets look at whats good inviting yourself and bad inviting yourself behavior. My example above works well for both his and my anxieties. From my perspective, THEY were the rude ones, just dropping by and then lingering.forever. Me: Ummm have fun? Which is why I despise despise despise Google Hangouts, but thats a completely different story. Then I realize theyre not going to punish me, they really were just asking, and its no big deal going forward. I discuss it more in this article, about when you're not sure if people are really interested in being friends with you or not. While I am still in the shower. Your visit will not be successful even if you dont mind the mess, because the person who owns the mess will be able to think about nothing else. It happens in Chicago, too, and I hate it (although Im used to it). After the length of time it takes to drink one cup of tea, you must make polite noises about going. Me: Goodnight, Britney. ! and ive also been very upset when people just presume im available at any time, because sometimes it comes across as a lack of respect, like oh surely i have nothing going on and am just available whenever you happen to be around. I guess you cant force it. You are getting the chills and feel like you want to go home with him. See Id totally get that we should do this! doesnt actually mean it until you make specific plans, but as soon as someone actually mentions a day Id assume its something that is almost certainly going to happen and we just need to confirm the time. Britney: Well, now youre awake, so get ready and lets go. The dropping by for a hug comes over as very needy. And if Im definitely not in the mood to hang out, its painfully awkward for everyone involved if I have to ask you to go away. Saying no can be hard for me, especially if youre at the front door. The thing that you are missing, it sounds very much like you miss it from a privileged position of not having safe-space related anxiety. If it happens again, rinse and repeat. *I am the ocean* It's one thing to show up at a party, it's another to insert yourself into a four-day excursion. He worked from home-so he thought it disrespectful to not treat his home like any other office. Ive never considered this dilemma from this particular angle (already doing something vs. not doing something). You could mention that you have a commitment after and will need to leave his place by a given time. I was expecting to catch up with my friend one-on-one at the restaurant, only to discover that he had several friends in tow. I think just showing up is different from inviting yourself over in a way that allows for a no, but some people would be very uncomfortable even with asking if you can come over (the assumption being that if they want you to come to their house, its on THEM to ask YOU). If you are an academic assigning my posts in your courses, Id appreciate an email with a copy of the relevant syllabus/assignment for my records/CV. He will get the point. Don't try to tag along with couples, or small close-knit groups who want to spend quality time together. Let me know how that goes does actually more than just not asking to invite you. The need to suddenly clean would discomfit me, sure, but I would be more bothered by some of the above. Im embarrassed now when I think of how I chased after her. That sort of cleaning, which I know not everyone does or enjoys, is not shame based. That being said, I would check in with yourself and ask, are you still spending solo time with your friends? I used to live in a basement apartment. It wasnt always this way. I cant describe the horror that washes over me at the thought of a random drop-in, and there is not one single person on the face of the earth that could do that and not trigger that reaction. Its come to the point where I feel like I have to leave the curtains drawn and basically hide in the house all day. Its work, which is a coworkers and customers and me place, and unless the friends also happen to fit into one of those categories I dont want to see them. If you have a chronic health condition (which might be physical, it might be mental illness, or a mixture of the two) and kids, sometimes youre doing well just to keep the dishes clean, the laundry done, kids clean, the floor uncrunchy and the table unsticky. one of the best things about the living room couch in my current house is that I can skulk in the corner and pretend I am not at home if I dont feel like answering the door, and I am literally impossible to see from outside the house. This, 100%, and can I just make a plug for when you are dating someone, THEY ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY INVITED TO EVERYTHING YOU ARE INVITED TO. Applauding the efforts of organizations and individuals who are doing something good. I grew up thinking Im socially odd and terrible at body language, but it turns out Im just odd. If he accepts, but suggests hanging out at your place, have an excuse in mind for why you have to hang out at his place. It was so helpful having the Captain unpack the dynamic of that sort of exchange. Its worth asking in terms of, We would love to have T. over this month, when would be a good time? Its a little bit presumptuous, as the phrasing presumes that of course T.s parents would be delighted to have the playdateso if they for some reason arent okay with that, theyll have to use their Adulting Skills and make their refusal more clearbut right now the ball needs to be put in their court with a little more firmness. Other people find it a very productive way to be, however. I like to not wear pants in my own house when it is hot outside and I feel like not wearing pants. My SIL is the queen of this, but its also happened more than once with the parents of some of my kids friends. How wrong I was. They also only had this happen to them twice before they stopped showing up early. I was raised that its unforgivably rude to show up to any gathering, no matter how casual, without an explicit Would you like to go to X event? But then as I grew up and encountered casual, after-work, anyone-who-wants-to-come-can-come events, I was finally told that I was isolating myself by expecting an explicit invitation because thats not how it works.. but even adults have feelings, and if you expect someone to be your friend you should treat them like one. Did you want some company / help? Depending on the age of the kids, you might get farther with a parent/kid invite T comes with the parent at the moment, you feed the parent tasty adult snacks and have stuff the kids can eat. A ton of people who have executive function issues for various reasons struggle with guilt at their inability to meet this standard at all times, so they dont want to let others into their house without achieving that basic cleanliness level first. Hey, Ill turn up between 8am and 6pm! January was a long time ago. Ohhhhhhh yeah. If you think you are you could try. I have a particular set of habits, displayed personality traits, etc. however. Yeah, eselle, this seems like the best compromise/solution. Its harder to say no than yes, so phrasing the question in a way that they dont have to say no makes a huge difference. Are usually dealing with various mental issues that prevent them from taking care of household necessities, and they dont deserve to be shamed for that just because you happen to like drop-ins. This was actually THE reason we didnt end up dating. Housemate observed that I probably wouldnt come if I wasnt sent an invitation. This Is How To Invite Yourself Over To His House, English Conversation Practice - Inviting Someone to the Bar, This Is How To Initiate Physical Contact With A Shy Guy, This Is How Many Dates Before Inviting Him Over. Now one is enforcing etiquette rules, and the other is wondering if theyre really rules so as to figure out if any were broken as though knowing that would make her right and her friend wrong. You're not a late-night option and you're certainly not a 24-hour drive-thru pick-up window. So most of the comments are about whether or not unannounced guests are ok or not, but its not actually clear from the letter whether thats what the LW did. Them:I want to see What We Do In The Shadows., You:Me too. Its kind of irrelevent in my case anyway, though, because I have no driveway or parking so someone coming to pick me up may or may not even have the option of leaving their car (if they find free street parking close but I wouldnt expect someone to find a parking spot and then come to my house, especially if it was winter). uhm. Has their baby barfed on me/Do we spend a lot of time in each others houses? Or theyd end up interrupting the host through the usually flurry of getting-all-their-shit-done-before-they-inevitably-have-to-go-to-work etc phase. Maybe Im misinterpreting because I dont know the LW or her friend but it seems much more intense than to say hi. I also know you're afraid of getting a response because that means you have to take the next steps. Honestly there were quite a few times where Id learn I was invited by the host asking what type of drink/game I wanted to try and even a few where the host would ask me where I was the next day if I didnt magically show up. Out there, maybe its still normal for some people to give him prior.... Known to call and show up in PERSON WITHOUT an APPOINTMENT at earliest! With my mother because I do not like uninvited surprise guests ``, ( Hearing about a party an is., here, I think of how I chased after her ever welcome in my home because! 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