This activates a hidden panel in the floor, where she finds Pandora's Box. David and Arthur interrupt her search to ask if someone came into the shop to pawn a magic bean, but she hasn't seen anyone like that today. Surprised, Belle thanks him, and he awkwardly puts her down. Portrayed by: The doppelganger nitpicks Belle into believing the dagger is fake. She learns he's not a womanizer, although he is looking to meet a woman with a strong character like Belle's. ("Swan Song"), Shortly before leaving for the Underworld, Mr. Gold tells Belle of what he must do, and he promises to be away for only a day to retrieve Hook. At the dock, she sees a bird standing on something invisible. Zelena scoffs at Belle about not having learned her lesson the last time the dagger was utilized on Mr. Gold. Mr. Gold assumes she wants him to wake her with true love's kiss, but he declares it impossible since he is not that man. It doesn't work, and Pan suggests that it failed because Belle doesn't fully accept who Mr. Gold truly is. She revealed her target weight of 165 pounds to her fans and hit it in November 2020. After letting out a spray of water from a slashed pipe, the beast's bodily flames are doused out. While still unconscious, Mr. Gold's now completely white heart is inserted into his chest, and the Apprentice freezes him with magic, although there is no guarantee he will survive. ("Dreamcatcher"), Belle, with her allies, decides to use the Crimson Crown to summon Merlin, however, only a person chosen by the great sorcerer can do that. Within the pile, Belle is shocked to see the magic gauntlet, an item used to locate one's greatest weakness, which Mr. Gold once traded to save her life. With the terms satisfied, Ursula pushes Belle, who falls into Rumplestiltskin's arms, as the sea witch and her allies disappear. Please follow me if you choose to follow because I put a lot of . Owning up to his past, Mr. Gold affirms that was true once, but since losing a son and gaining a wife, he's "turned over a new leaf", which impresses Belle. Belle assumes the name Lacey and leaves the hospital to hit up the bar by playing pool and chatting with Mr. Clark. In fact, Regina has given her false memories to replace the ones she lost previously. Mr. Gold, insisting he cannot be a hero, confesses to crippling himself during the Ogre war because he was scared of dying. After Emma and Regina temporarily stun the beast with their combined magic, Belle goes to look up information about the Chernabog at the library. Suddenly, Emma calls the pair back into the pawnshop, telling them that Mother Superior is waking up after all. As Belle and the others watch, the great sorcerer helps to undo the enchanted sand's effects on David and Mary Margaret. ("Dreamy"), The next day, she returns to the tavern and is greeted by Dreamy, who thanks her for the previous advice as he and Nova will soon be leaving together. ("Family Business"), When Sir Maurice requests the assistance of the Dark One in a war he is losing against the ogres in his town of Avonlea, Rumplestiltskin offers protection in exchange for Belle's servitude. She explains that, because she and Mr. Gold are no longer together, she needs another place to live for the time being. She claims Rumplestiltskin mentioned her, to which Belle is pleasantly surprised, though he says that never happened. Under a magnifying glass, Belle sees mirror dust embedded in the pendant, which proves Elsa's theory. In a final goodbye, Belle names her son Gideon, after the hero in the book. Mary Margaret reprimands Emma, but upon seeing her daughter's hurt expression, she retracts her anger. Belle nearly succeeds until he warns her it's a trap, to which she notices Zelena has been quietly watching from the shadows. Belle grapples with him and eventually frees herself by stabbing him in the neck with a piece of the shell. ("Best Laid Plans"), Desiring a way to subdue Mr. Gold so he won't stop her from rescuing Robin Hood, Regina approaches Belle at the pawnshop, telling her about the trouble her ex-husband has caused her. Mr. Gold asks her to dance with him, and she obliges, surprised that he is giving her a choice rather than ordering her around. With her cover blown, the fake nun morphs back into Zelena, who has come to take her daughter away. ("The Outsider"), After the curse is cast, Belle becomes a patient in the town hospital's psychiatric ward. She notices wounds on the ogre's back, and in the broken mirror, she sees Gaston has demonic eyes, proof of the evil in his heart. Even Emma refuses to believe Regina, who causes a building tremor out of frustration and then magically dissipates away. I had been planning to do this article for a while and I FINALLY have found the time to do it. The two begin taking books off shelves when a noise erupts from pawnshop's front door. Presumably, Belle is unfrozen and has no idea anything is amiss. Additionally, she has already had her heart broken enough to know when someone is reaching out, referring to Nova's invitation to Dreamy. In our territory is a certain waterless sea, consisting of tumbling billows of sand never at rest. She falls over the border into Mr. Gold's arms and loses her memories as Hook is revealed to be the shooter. They kick her off the wagon to find the Yaoguai themselves, but Belle consults the book to track the beast to a mountainous cave. A desperate Emma, willing to do anything to save him, including creating more darkness, teleports away with Hook. Her words get through to him, and he purposely allows the arrow to miss his target. As they scramble to leave before she returns, a box catches Hook's eye, and he opens it to reveal a dreamcatcher, realizes Emma must have used them to take her and everyone else's memories. Hair color: Realizing they have been duped, the group arrive too late to the station entrance, which has already been frozen shut by Ingrid. Status: Mr. Gold is reluctant to be parted from his son, but Belle assures him that they've had Gideon for eighteen wonderful years and now it's time for him to make his own path in life too. Later, Mr. Gold travels to the Land of Untold Stories to demand his wife back. From "A Star Is Born" and "Swing Time" to "Chicago" and "West Side Story," here are 55 musicals that represent the height and the incredible range of the genre. Once Rumplestiltskin discovers this, he forces Belle to accompany him as he tracks down and murders the thief. Upon the capture of Savannah in December, 1778, Dr. Jones removed to Charleston, South Carolina. When Grand Pabbie meets Belle, he turns her memories into a stone, telling her to return to where she lost her memories, brew a tea with the stone in a kettle and drink it to remember everything. She spends one evening at the park bench, where she holds teddy bear plushie when Mr. Gold comes to give her the news that he cannot find their son anywhere. Without informing Mr. Gold, Belle leaves for the diner and gets Ruby's with possibly reopening the closed down library. When Mr. Gold forgives her, Belle expresses remorse for keeping a secret from him as she knows he would never keep something from her. In an unknown library, Belle and her husband are pleased when Gideon announces he has been accepted into Elphame Academy. From outside the door, Samuel continues an attempt to persuade her, until he seemingly disappears. ("The Dark Swan"), At the castle, King Arthur introduces the group to his Queen, Guinevere, and he announces there will be a ball held in their honor. From the opposite side of the town line, Belle promises to wait for him. After Hook probes him about the sword and dagger's connection, Arthur admits knowing the dagger is Excalibur's missing blade, and when combined together, it can extinguish the darkness, but in Emma's hands, she may use it to snuff out the light. While Belle is still in the library, Mr. Gold arrives to accelerate her pregnancy, Belle reminds him that he doesn't have to be like this, and all she ever wanted was for him to try to be good. July 6, 2017 djbrodiekay. She is more trustworthy of him since their phone conversation and believes that he wants to help her regain memories. At first, they are unable to get in because of a protection spell on the door, but on Belle's suggestion that Emma would allow Henry into her house, Regina conjures Henry's scarf, using it to bypass the spell. He admits making the portal for Hades, but only because Hades owns the contract from the Fendrake deal. Her travelling companions, particularly a man named Claude, give her a hard time about being a bookworm. She also takes the place of Ellie Fredricksen from the Disney/Pixar film Up. Mr. Gold goes on to tell her about the prophecy a seer gave him a long time ago that a certain someone will be his undoing, which he takes to mean his death will occur because of that person. During their carriage ride, she reasons if he lets the thief go unharmed, people will stop seeing him as a beast. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 2 October 1942 - World War II: Ocean Liner RMS Queen Mary accidentally rams and sinks her own escort ship, HMS Curacoa, off the coast of Ireland, killing 337 crewmen aboard the Curacoa. Love them or hate them, there's no denying that Rumple and Belle . Nearby, at the counter, David quietly soothes Mary Margaret's worries about leaving Neal; saying that Belle is a natural with the baby and she has their emergency numbers if anything goes wrong. Jekyll corners her and reveals he wishes to kill her as revenge on Mr. Gold, whom he blames for Mary's death. Leroy believes it symbolizes hope because for each petal still on the rose, those are chances that Mr. Gold has of surviving. "Skin Deep" Belle then runs into Merida, who drinks a potion that turns her into a bear and starts chasing Belle. He finds Belle at fault for handing their son over to Mother Superior, and Belle blames him for pushing her by speeding up her pregnancy, which Mr. Gold swears to her that he wasn't the one to do that to her. Catching her off guard, Rumplestiltskin accosts her for snooping, and though he did say that she could, this was to test how she would react in his absence. Belle is mentioned on Henry's billboard in "Flower Child". Mr. Gold then charges her with looking after everyone, including himself, while they are asleep. They both lunge for the gun, but he grabs it first and aims it at her forehead. Enchanted Forest Character What if Lacey and Mr Clark eat the magic beans and get their memories back and everyone uses the last bean to go to Neverland. Belle, later known as Belle French,[2] also known as Mrs. Gold[3] and briefly known as Lacey, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Belle affirms that the cup has no magic in it, as it's a souvenir from Doc's birthday party, but David takes it anyway, having a plan of his own. Shortly after Mother Superior tells the heroes where the other half of the wand is hidden, the Black Fairy morphs out of her Snow disguise as Gideon sheds his David disguise, much to everyone's shock. Back to the best version of me. She swears off a future with Mr. Gold and then returns to Storybrooke, where she passes by the closed pawnshop. Instead, Belle recognizes he has not and will never give up power for her. Later, Belle witnesses David and Mary Margaret announce they are naming their son after a true heroNeal. There, she recalls when he traded the gauntlet for her, and her perception that this proved he had love in him. In return, Mr. Gold menaces her about his reputation for taking children rather than giving them away. Love & Friendship TV Ouat Once Upon A Time Boyfriend Girlfriend Storybrooke Emma Swan . Later, Belle and her allies seek cover in the diner, as Regina redirects the cyclone to Emma, causing the whole diner to be taken away to the Enchanted Forest. ("The Tower"), A new curse is cast by none other than Snow White; returning Belle and the rest of the Enchanted Forest inhabitants to the town of Storybrooke. They say their goodbyes outside the pawnshop, and Belle goes into the back room as he enacts a shield to protect her. ("The Apprentice"), Assigned as Neal's caretaker for the day, Belle heads to the apartment where she cradles the cooing infant while sitting on Mary Margaret's bed. In the aftermath, Gideon is defeated by Emma and forced to retreat. At the counter, she begins pouring scotch into a cup and accidentally spills it onto the table. However, after only a year, she dropped out and undertook acting courses. Realizing he needs Belle and not Lacey, he magically reconstructs the chipped cup to its unbroken state. David and Granny believe in her innocence, as does Belle, who allows them to hide Ruby in the library from the angry townspeople. Belle, accepting his reasons, reconciles with him. The box contains is a key, which Belle uses to open the library. Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) is comfortable in her life as a bail bonds collector. She is the daughter of Maurice French and the late Colette French, Wife of Rumplestiltskin, brief fiance of Gaston Legume, step-mother of Bealfire/Neal Cassidy, step-grandmother of Henry Mills (via marriage to Mr. Gold Henry's grandfather), and Mother of Gideon Gold. As a group, they agree to leave the time portal untouched, however, Emma and Hook enter through it to the past where they recreate a first meeting between Prince Charming and Snow White and then return to the present. Belle uses a pinch of dust to outline the steps onto a ship and follows them up through a barrier onto the deck. Alia Bhatt She entered the glam world with "Student of the Year, but she wasn't always like this. The three return to Emma, with Mr. Gold agreeing to pull Excalibur in exchange for Merida's heart and finding out where her brothers are. During the date, Lacey is impressed by Mr. Gold's approachable personality since the stories about him say otherwise. Belle, later known as Belle French, also known as Mrs. Gold and briefly known as Lacey, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Belle, surprised by his sudden proposition, questions if something is wrong. Joined by Henry and Mary Margaret, everyone arrives at the station as an explosion tears open a hole in the building. To her horror, he takes on his old appearance as the Dark One and proceeds to strangle Leroy to death. The 34-year-old actress announced the exciting baby news via Twitter, and she even revealed her celebrity baby name choice too - letting her fans know she became a mummy to a little girl named Vera Audrey. Instead, Belle pointedly states she gave it to Hook last night, although he has no recollection of ever receiving the dagger from her, revealing Mr. Gold must have disguised himself as him to get the cursed weapon. Mr. Gold pleads for another chance, but she refuses. She is the main reality version of Belle. November 27, 2016, 11:09 PM. Elsa dupes them by handing over a pouch full of rocks and takes the real pendant to continue tracking her sister. She insists on staying since the counterspell is very important, and he relents by deciding to keep her company until the business is finished. Mount Olympus[1]Her Edge of Realms house (formerly)Her Storybrooke house (briefly)Jolly Roger (formerly)Gold house (formerly)Library apartment (formerly)Hospital psychiatric ward (formerly)Dark castle (formerly)Her castle (formerly) Mr. Gold professes he doesn't know Elsa and that items in his pawnshop, like the urn she was trapped in, naturally fall into his possession as a collector, but the histories behind them are unknown to him. ("Sisters"), After getting Hades to rip up the contract, Mr. Gold returns to the pawnshop, where he attempts to give true love's kiss to Belle. At the pawnshop, Belle reveals to Elsa and Emma that they can defeat Ingrid's curse with a hair strand from someone who has already been affected by the same spell and making a counterspell with it. Wish Belle There, she is startled by the elevator coming up and readies herself with a weapon, bracing for whoever will step out, only for the door to reveal Mr. Gold, who is hiding from Merida. After their house at the Edge of Realms is finished being built, Mr. Gold carries Belle over the threshold. Spotting a lone puppy, she follows until losing sight of the animal and is kidnapped by Cruella De Vil. And that never happened before. Find out who you're in love with in the ABC hit show, Once Upon A Time. After he does, Belle orders him onto watch duty while she goes into the Snow Queen's lair. There, a hooded thief is stealing a wand. Frustrated, she angrily throws the cup at the wall as it shatters into pieces. Will grabs Belle's hand in an attempt to comfort her, though she turns around to stare longingly at the man who was once her husband. First, a little background on Judy Garland, for those of who don't know who she is. During the diner celebration welcoming David and Mary Margaret's newborn son, Belle and Mr. Gold walk in as Zelena's time spell is activated. ("Out of the Past"), Later, in conversation, she learns the small clothing in one of the rooms belongs to Rumplestiltskin's son. She wakes up in a cold sweat and goes looking for Mr. Gold, whom she sees is in the basement secretly spinning gold thread and working on magic. Pawnshop co-owner (formerly)Librarian (formerly)Castle servant (formerly) Puzzled, the boy informs her that the remnants of Ingrid's magic will keep those who leave town from reentering. While Belle wants him to prove he is that man, Mr. Gold believes in doing anything to protect those he loves even by using dark magic. "I don't really have time to do much [working out], so I really just watch what I eat," Hudson said during a 2017 interview . She is portrayed by Emilie de Ravin, who became a series regular in the second season and onward after making recurring appearances in the first season, and has become a fan favorite since her debut. Once the heart is completely blackened, rather than dying, he'll lose his ability to love anything or anyone. Mother Superior encourages her to join the others since they may need her resourcefulness, but Belle wishes to stay with Mr. Gold in case he passes away. Ingrid then takes the hat from Anna and disappears with her in a puff of smoke. Belle witnesses Regina being thrown into the clock tower by Zelena, who later flees on her broomstick. Human On the trek to the palace, Belle has hopes Neal will see his family again and also believes Rumplestiltskin is not truly gone since they did not see where his dagger went. Fans quickly reacted to Ash's photo, applauding her for . Reunited, they hurry back to the pawnshop as Mr. Gold hesitantly tells her how Hook stole his wife, Milah, from him years ago. Afterward, Belle shows Mr. Gold a vacant mansion that she wants to use as their honeymoon suite. They all regroup with Hook, Neal and Tinker Bell at the vault, where Regina took "Henry" for protection, though the door is locked. Lyotard's Postmodern Condition (1979), one of the most important postmodernist critiques, points to the loss of social and political legitimacy that was once conferred upon society by the grand myths of human progress and technological modernity, the master narratives that explain, justify, and thereby sustain universal truth, historical . She fires back by pointing out how afraid he's become because she was so close to winning, and swears to get away from him next time so he won't even see her son. Before leaving, she swears he will regret his decision, as there will be nothing left for him except an "empty heart and a chipped cup". Belle is more unsure since the only adventures she has experienced are the ones in books, which all have happy endings. Privacy Settings Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: basic site functions ensuring secure, safe transactions As Mr. Gold hands back the dagger, he proposes to Belle, which she happily accepts by putting down the weapon and drawing him into an embrace. Immediately, she realizes the candle is in remembrance of someone and gives her condolences. Belle suggests getting help from Mr. Gold, believing that he is no worse than Emma, but everyone thinks Arthur is their best bet to reach Merlin. ("The Dark Swan"), After arriving at the Enchanted Forest, some of the group search for Emma and bring her back to the diner building, where Belle and the rest of the crew come out to greet her. When the healed woman stands up, uncovering a pregnant belly, Belle implores Rumplestiltskin not to make the child fatherless by killing Robin Hood. After the Wraith disappears through a vortex, leaving Regina unscathed, Belle returns and states she will remain with Mr. Gold because he is still a "monster". Belle suspiciously questions her about the accident and the man who used magic to heal her. ("Into the Deep"), In the pawnshop, Belle is getting ready for a picnic lunch with Mr. Gold when Emma, David and Mary Margaret arrive. ("Smash the Mirror"), In an agreed deal, Ingrid allows Mr. Gold to leave town with Belle and Henry once the curse is in effect, so she can be in Storybrooke with Emma and Elsa forever. They are interrupted by the presence of Regina, who needs Mr. Gold's help in dealing with their nemesis, Cora. Regina offers an apology and asks Belle to think about Mr. Gold, who is still Zelena's hostage. At the pet shelter, Mr. Gold magicks open Gaston's locker at Belle's request, but not without specifying her biased views on when it is acceptable to use dark magic. She becomes afraid and unsure when he mentions magic. Unveiling a mirror, Belle's reflection taunts her about being a coward by having once valued a stone over Anna's life. Upon seeing him collapse, her attitude softens. Lacey is simply not attracted to Mr. Gold's nice guy personality and specifies they do not fit together because she isn't Belle. A plan is formed to gather the nuns for the creation of the counterspell while Elsa and Emma use a locator spell to find Anna. Before he does, however, he asks for Belle's trust, which she gives by saying she believes he will do what's best for Gideon and their family. Only when Belle regains the box, John and Michael admit they are helping Pan because he has their sister Wendy, but she persuades them that the box is essential to freeing Wendy. As the Dark One's servant, Belle is made to wash Rumplestiltskin's bloody aprons after the torture sessions. She also thinks no one will invade the town, and believes Mr. Gold doesn't need her. Belligerently, Belle asserts her refusal to believe that, even though Mr. Gold desperately insists she must leave. With Emma, Hook, Mary Margaret, and Regina, Belle ducks for cover behind a building as the group come up with a solution. Namely, Zelena desires to kill Eva so Cora would have never abandoned her first-born child. Female Storming into the pawnshop, they request Mr. Gold's assistance, and he only agrees after much imploring from Belle. He accidentally spills wine on her dress, so she goes to clean up, but actually goes to make out with Keith outside. Taken in as a patient, Belle tries to get some rest but is startled awake by Mr. Gold kissing her. Relevant Pages Belle Gold (ne French) is one of the main characters of Once Upon a Time. Once they are in the mines, some of the dwarves quarry a large rock to obtain fairy dust, one of the spell's ingredients. She dbuts in the twelfth episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Emilie de Ravin. ("Dreamcatcher"), With Merlin's magic as well as David and Hook's fighting skills, they clear the dungeon of Arthur's guards, with Belle following them. She is horrified, believing their son did this, but Mr. Gold admits he did it rather than allowing Gideon to do it, as he did not want their son committing a dark act and having no way to turn back from the darkness. For the kingdom's sake, Belle accepts the proposal. Gideon, in pain over feeling the Black Fairy squeezing his heart, is unable to tell her because of what the Black Fairy is doing to him now. Belle presses him to seize the opportunity and be with Nova while he still has a chance. As Rumplestiltskin shoos her from the room, Belle remarks that he could speak in a nicer tone. Belle flees until a female clad warrior, Mulan, drives the Yaoguai off. Uneasy at the woman's presence, she asks if they were friends. He wishes her happiness with Will, but she denies loving him. The nuns return safely, and while everyone basks in the reunion, none of them see a Chernabog being released from the hat and flying off. ("Witch Hunt"), Setting hopes on resurrecting Rumplestiltskin, Belle and Neal go to the old castle looking for information. When a fury kidnaps Robin Hood, Belle gives Regina information about the fury, which is a demon of the underworld sent to extract the unpaid price of magic, and that she has until the full moon reaches its zenith to save him. Hook affirms it did nothing, but he resolves to not to give up on saving her. Having no knowledge of what transpired between him and the fairy, Belle tries to be sympathetic to whatever pain Rumplestiltskin is in and what he wanted from the Black Fairy, but she insists that sacrificing a child is not the answer to his problems, however, Rumplestiltskin dejectedly remarks that no one understands his pain. Belle is the daughter of Colette and Sir Maurice. And when it's not there, you create it. As the spell dictates, a candle must be lit with magic and then blown towards the target, which will form binds on the person's wrists. ("The Bear and the Bow"), After Arthur and Zelena's defeat, Belle is present in the diner as Emma uses the flame ember to reforge the sword and dagger into one weapon. ("Breaking Glass"), Receiving an urgent call from Emma, Belle tracks down Mr. Gold at the pawnshop and they go to the sheriff station where David, Elsa, Henry, Hook, Mary Margaret, and Regina are also gathered. Continue tracking her sister then magically dissipates away is comfortable in her life as a bail bonds collector a in... Emma refuses to believe Regina, who later flees on her broomstick drives Yaoguai... From belle once upon a time actress weight loss and disappears with her in a puff of smoke her son Gideon, after torture... As an explosion tears open belle once upon a time actress weight loss hole in the aftermath, Gideon defeated. 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